Beltway Confidential
This Ohio YMCA case highlights the absurdity of transgenderism
Beltway Confidential
This Ohio YMCA case highlights the absurdity of transgenderism
"For a transitioning employee, this means that, once he or she has begun living and working full-time in the gender that reflects his or her identity, agencies should allow access to restrooms and (if provided to other employees) locker room facilities consistent with his or her gender identity," say the guidelines. (Thinkstock)

Here’s a headline from the Daily Mail that perfectly captures the insanity of the current cultural moment: “Trans woman is cleared of flashing her penis at three women using Ohio YMCA after judge ruled she’s too FAT for her genitals to be visible.”

Incredibly, the story itself is even more ridiculous than the outlet’s unironic use of the phrase “her penis.”

A Xenia, Ohio, judge ruled this week that Rachel Glines, a man who began identifying as a woman in 2021, did not commit indecent exposure when he stripped naked in the women’s locker room of a YMCA, exposing his male genitals to several women, including minors. Apparently, the fact that Glines weighs more than 350 pounds somehow excuses his behavior since his body fat somewhat covered his visible penis.

"Quiet simply, the facts do not exist to support a find of guilt, as charged,” wrote Judge David McNamee. “Glines' genitalia was not visible as a result of other portions of [his] body covering same."

More important to the case, however, was the fact that the YMCA of Greater Dayton had granted permission to Glines to use the women’s locker room in all YMCA facilities in the area, as McNamee noted.

“There is no question that [Glines] was in the women's locker room. However, [Glines] was not charged with trespass, nor was [Glines] charged with being in an area of the YMCA where [Glines] was not supposed to be," McNamee wrote.

This, of course, is the real problem. Glines should never have been allowed into the women’s locker room because he is not a woman. It does not matter what name he goes by or how he identifies. Glines is a man — just ask the women who were forced to undress in front of him and see his penis.

Or, you could ask the female YMCA employee who said she was sexually assaulted by Glines. Kateisha Young, who works at the nearby YMCA in Fairborn, Ohio, said Glines asked her to coffee and informed her he was “transgender.” He then began to share his “sexual fantasies” with her and asked her about her masturbation habits and other intimate topics. At one point, Glines forcefully grabbed Young’s genitals and buttocks.

Young reported the incident to the police, but then Glines began stalking her, showing up to the YMCA every time she was scheduled to work. Young was eventually forced to file a restraining order against Glines, which was granted in January.

Unfortunately, the YMCA seems to have no remorse for a policy that traumatizes women and enables male predators to violate women's rights in a space meant to protect female privacy and safety.

"Under no circumstance will we investigate an individual's birth identity and then assign individuals to locker rooms. That would be counter to the law, counter to respect for all people and it is not who or what we are as an organization,” the organization said in a statement.

To be clear, when the YMCA claims to uphold “respect for all people,” it really only means a select few. The organization has no respect for the concerns of women, who are being forced to place themselves in extremely vulnerable situations to appease the activist Left. But it does respect the supposed right of men who “identify” as women to expose themselves to whomever they please. Make of that what you will.


Kaylee McGhee White is the editor of Restoring America for the Washington Examiner and a senior fellow at the Independent Women's Forum.

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