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Equality Not Elitism

America has become increasingly stratified, with some people elevated and deferred to improperly, while others are denigrated or ignored. This is not what America is supposed to be. It was founded on the belief that ordinary adults should have an equal say about how they are governed and by whom. Equality does not delegate democratic authority to experts, removing it from those whom voters have chosen to do that job. This must remain a country that rejects princes or potentates. It must be a country of laws. Equality before the law should be the only enforced equality. True equality also means respecting life, supporting the most vulnerable among us, including those unborn and those in decline at the end of their lives. The inegalitarian assertion that vulnerable people have less claim to society’s protection amounts to the tyrannical idea that might makes right.
Will the last diversity, equity, and inclusion bureaucrat to leave their office on campus please turn out the lights?
Last week, famed New York Times columnist David Brooks penned a widely discussed column that encouraged his culturally elite readership to consider an alternative Trump-era narrative, one in which they, not the “distrustful populists” and “less-educated classes," as he described them, are the bad guys.
Rising interest rates and a shortage of lower-cost houses under the Biden administration continue to make homeownership unobtainable for many young families. Instead of working to solve actual problems like these, President Joe Biden is once again choosing to prioritize the expansive promotion of woke diversity, equity, and inclusion ideology in housing policies, as a recent proposed rule from the Department of Housing and Urban Development shows.
For the second time in its history, the United States saw its AAA rating on long-term debt downgraded by a credit rating firm.
Two doctors and medical advocacy group Do No Harm are suing California over its law requiring that doctors complete "implicit bias" training as part of their continuing medical education.
The chief diversity officer has lost its luster. Once the hot new role for companies looking to cash in on progressive calls for surface-level heterogeneity, the role of CDO is now difficult to find and nearly impossible to keep.
On the occasion of his “eleventy-first” birthday, the hobbit Bilbo Baggins famously disappeared. On July 31, we celebrate what would have been the 111th birthday of another man who was diminutive in size but larger than life in spirit: Milton Friedman. Were he to reappear today, he would likely marvel at how much progress has been made on issues about which he cared so deeply.
Last month, the Montana-based nonprofit organization Yellowstone Voices released a video documenting the slaughter of bison that migrate out of Yellowstone National Park each winter to find forage. As a wildlife advocate, I’ve seen my share of disgusting and unethical treatment of animals (especially predators). But the massacre of Yellowstone bison, which this year claimed more than 1,100 animals from an already endangered herd, represents a new low — and not just because of the unethical and abhorrent nature of the killing and its impact on the bison, but because of the conservation community’s unwillingness to denounce it as well as its equally troubling ostracization of anyone who does.
In yet another example of the Biden administration’s aggressively woke diversity, equity, and inclusion agenda, the U.S. Office of Personnel Management is now proposing to kneecap the government’s ability to hire the most qualified candidates for federal job openings. Its specious reasoning? To close the supposed federal “wage gap” between male and female or white and minority employees.


Two law professors have an idea for how to circumvent the Supreme Court’s repeated rulings in support of the Second Amendment: use police officers to seize guns of “dangerous” people.
When contemplating the greatest threats to American national security, an aggressive communist China or expansionist Russia properly come to mind. However, there’s another threat closer to home, one that affects millions of Americans and is already affecting our national security.
The Federal Reserve’s launch of FedNow, a system to centralize financial transactions, is a significant threat to individual liberty and a major leap toward a central bank digital currency, or CBDC. While the Fed denies FedNow will precede a CBDC, the public has no reason to believe them.
Somewhere along the way, our vision for racial justice got hijacked by bureaucrats, academics, and activists.
- Robert Woodson, a veteran of the civil-rights movement is founder and president of the Woodson Center
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