The US must beat China in the race for autonomous vehicle supremacy
The US must beat China in the race for autonomous vehicle supremacy

Fostering and protecting cutting-edge United States innovation and advanced technologies , including artificial intelligence and machine learning, will be crucial if America is to beat China in the tech race and achieve supremacy. The latest battle between the countries is currently playing out in the autonomous vehicle market.

China has clear ambitions to corner the market on AVs to attempt to marginalize the impact of American and European automakers in the global marketplace and become the world’s No. 1 manufacturer. China knows, as does the U.S., that the first nation to claim AV victory will be able to dictate the rules of the road by setting industry-wide standards and controlling the market for the next 50 years.


The U.S. Chamber of Commerce released a report on July 19 that studied a number of scenarios in which autonomous vehicles could “reduce traffic accidents and fatalities, enhance people’s mobility and access, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and provide substantial economic benefits for the American people.” The report studied the impact on consumers and businesses, with the conclusion that AVs present a historic opportunity to boost the American economy. The conclusions of the Chamber study show that there are great benefits to consumers and the environment if we get it right.

To encourage American victory in this arena, business and political leaders should advocate for and implement policies that will unlock innovation. These policies can improve lives, increase mobility and access, reduce fossil fuel consumption, and contribute to a greener environment, as well as bolster the economy and workforce of the future.

The U.S. is facing stiff competition from state-subsidized manufacturers in China, but this isn’t new or unique to this particular market. America has a proud tradition of outperforming Chinese competition due to the power of a free market, a motivated workforce, and a long tradition of bootstrapped entrepreneurship. America will win this race if Congress and the White House are able to agree upon and set ground rules which will create an environment for America’s AV superiority.

Right now, Congress is studying the issue to get a better handle on a potential regulatory framework. On July 26, the House Energy & Commerce Committee held a hearing on two pieces of legislation, the SELF DRIVE Act and a separate bill that would update safety standards and regulations for self-driving cars . The committee released a statement admitting that “inaction over the past two Congresses has put America at risk of ceding leadership in this industry to China.”

The hearing helped study potential standards so Americans can benefit from self-driving vehicles and the accompanying technology. This is a great first step, but more is needed — and soon.

Frankly, AVs are an issue ripe for bipartisanship. Currently, both parties continue to try and out-hawk each other on China, so allowing American companies to be more competitive in the face of a more aggressive Chinese push into automotive innovation, an area in which America has historically excelled, can be a rare area for agreement for Republicans and Democrats.

China is an economic adversary and has not hesitated to act like one. Multiple administrations have accused China of trying to steal American intellectual property and threaten U.S. data privacy. This is especially worrisome when it comes to AI technology. Some worry the massive amount of data collected by self-automated vehicles, for example, could be dangerous in the wrong hands.

Our leaders must consider the emerging autonomous vehicle marketplace as they grapple with how to promote continued leadership in innovation. The design and development of AVs is a geopolitical struggle that the U.S. must win in order for Americans to unlock the full benefits of AVs and define the use of these vehicles for decades to come.


Peter Mihalick is the former legislative director and counsel to former Reps. Barbara Comstock (R-VA) and Rodney Blum (R-IA).

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