Alejandro Mayorkas

Biggs slams Mayorkas for 'disgusting' lack of answers in heated Judiciary hearing

House Freedom Caucus member, Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ), lambasted Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for declining to explain why more than 1 million illegal immigrants who federal judges have ordered deported have not been removed.

During a heated exchange before the House Judiciary Committee hearing on Capitol Hill Wednesday morning, Biggs erupted at Mayorkas and called his response "disgusting" after the Biden official did not provide detailed answers about his role in enforcing immigration laws and handling the fentanyl epidemic.


"Since we've been sitting here since today, that's the number of drug overdoses due to fentanyl in the country," Biggs said and pointed to a display behind him that showed 13 people had died of a drug overdose in the United States since the hearing began at 10 a.m. EDT. "So my question for you is, who's responsible? Is it Joe Biden as president of the United States, or is it U.S. secretary of Homeland Security, for the open border where fentanyl is coming across and we have American citizens dying?"

Mayorkas maintained that the border was "not open."

Biggs brought up a guidance that Mayorkas issued in October 2021 that had restricted Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers from arresting illegal immigrants within the U.S. unless they met specific criteria.

"It thus made it more difficult and dangerous for ICE officers to go and enforce the law," Biggs said.

"Did President Biden order you to issue that guidance?"

"Congressman, our policies are driven to protect the American people," Mayorkas said before Biggs quickly responded.

"Who issued that policy? Was it the president? Are you, are you following the president? Or did you create the policy?" Biggs asked.

"Congressman, that is a policy..." Mayorkas began to respond before Biggs interrupted him.

"Or will you ever give us an answer," Biggs asked, then yielded his time back to Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) before he remarked, "Disgusting," and then wrapped up his papers and walked out of the room during the next member's questioning.

Mayorkas maintained during the hearing that the Biden administration's border policies were "working" and have had a positive impact on illegal immigration.


Mayorkas's appearance before the judiciary panel was especially significant given the investigation the House Homeland Security Committee launched earlier this summer to determine if Mayorkas was derelict of duty over how he has handled the highest illegal immigration encounters in U.S. history.

The House Judiciary Committee has the authority to move forward on impeachment, making what Republicans learn Wednesday even more consequential for Mayorkas, who has hired legal representation to help navigate the GOP's investigation.