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People Over Profits • Truth Over Lies • Courage Over Fear

CHD 2nd Annual Conference Features Cutting-Edge Topics Presented by World-Renowned Speakers

The 2023 Children's Health Defense Conference offers the opportunity for health freedom advocates to gain knowledge and empowerment while joining forces with like-minded individuals from around the world.

In addition to taking advantage of the packed line-up of powerful presentations, attendees can also take some time to relax and unwind or explore Savannah’s myriad attractions, including its famed riverfront, expansive bridges, unique historical sites, eateries, and art galleries.

2023 Conference Special Guests

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is founder, chairman and chief litigation counsel on leave for Children’s Health Defense. He is the founder of Waterkeeper Alliance — the world’s largest clean water advocacy group — and served as its longtime chairman and attorney.

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Catherine Austin Fitts

Catherine Austin Fitts

Catherine is the president of Solari, Inc., publisher of the Solari Report and managing member of Solari Investment Screens, LLC. (formerly Solari Investment Advisory Services, LLC.).

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Aseem Malhotra

Aseem Malhotra, M.D.

Dr. Aseem Malhotra is an NHS-trained Consultant Cardiologist and an internationally renowned expert in the prevention, diagnosis and management of heart disease.

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Andy Wakefield, M.D., FRCS

Andy Wakefield is a physician, author, and filmmaker. He has published over 150 original scientific articles, books, book chapters, and invited scientific commentaries.

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Brian Hooker, Ph.D.

Brian Hooker, Ph.D.

Brian S. Hooker, Ph.D., is Chief Scientific Officer at Children’s Health Defense, an organization committed to the best health for children in the U.S. and worldwide. He is also Emeritus Professor of Biology at Simpson University in Redding, California, where he specialized in microbiology and biotechnology.

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Suzanne Humphries

Suzanne Humphries, M.D.

Dr. Suzanne is a medical internist and nephrologist who awoke to medical corruption in 2008. Since then, she has re-educated herself, written two best-selling books and traveled abroad to share her experience and knowledge with parents worldwide.

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Mary Holland

Mary Holland, J.D.

Mother, activist, lawyer, leader – has been part of the health freedom and human rights movements for more than two decades. She is proud to be part of the CHD organization and broader movement.

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Laura Bono

Laura Bono

Laura’s son regressed after his vaccinations at 18 months old and was diagnosed with heavy metal toxicity/autism. Since, Laura has advocated for services, biomedical treatments and civil rights for children with autism/vaccine injury. Laura is a co-founder and chairman emeritus of the National Autism Association and was on the board of directors for SafeMinds from 2005-2015.

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Kim Mack Rosenberg, Esq.

A long-time health freedom advocate, Kim Mack Rosenberg is CHD's General Counsel and maintains a private practice representing clients nationwide on health freedom issues, healthcare practice and insurance coverage, focusing on autism.

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Cecelia (CeCe) Doucette

Cecelia (Cece) Doucette

Cecelia (Cece) Doucette, Director of Massachusetts for Safe Technology, educates schools, communities and legislatures on wireless radiation and public health. Cece teaches the science, risks, and inroads made locally by citizens, in the courts and with public policy. Most importantly, she teaches how to reduce radiation exposures coming from our devices and how to protect our communities.

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Christina Parks, Ph.D.

Dr. Christina Parks earned her Ph.D. in Cellular and Molecular Biology in the field of cytokine signaling. Thus, Dr. Parks brings a wealth of knowledge about how vaccines affect the immune system. She has spent many years studying the biochemistry of how pharmaceuticals and natural substances affect the expression of genes and biochemical pathways that are essential to our health and well-being.

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DeeDee Hoover

DeeDee Hoover, LMT, PMT, CCT

DeeDee has been licensed for over 30 years as a massage therapist. The focus of her work now is early infant care and body work for special pediatric health conditions that are responsive to body work and coaching. So many conditions for infants and children respond well to body work.

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Brad Skistimas

Five Times August

Five Times August is the solo act of singer/songwriter Brad Skistimas. After decades in music as a successful indie artist, Skistimas began releasing a series of protest songs in early 2021 aiming at COVID-era regulations, the Biden administration, Justin Trudeau, as well as Anthony Fauci with the #1 song "Sad Little Man." In November 2022, the full-length album "Silent War" was released.

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James Lyons-Weiler

James Lyons-Weiler, Ph.D.

Dr. Lyons-Weiler is CEO and Director of IPAK, The Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge and founder of IPAK-EDU LLC, an online university where students can experience higher education training in many areas to help them empower themselves through knowledge. He is Editor-in-Chief of Science, Public Health Policy and the Law and writes Popular Rationalism.

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James Neuenschwander, M.D.

James Neuenschwander, M.D. (aka Dr. Neu) is a physician dually board certified in emergency and integrative medicine with over 35 years of experience. Since 2007, he has focused his practice on the treatment of children with neurodevelopment delays, including autism. He is now the president of the Medical Academy of Pediatric Special Needs (MAPS) and brings this wealth of knowledge to our conference.

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Jim Gale

Meet Jim Gale, the extraordinary mind behind Food Forest Abundance and a true force of nature. As an international permaculture advocate, entrepreneur and visionary, Jim has dedicated his life to transforming how we interact with our environment, cultivating a sustainable future for all.

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Julio Gomez

Julio Gomez, Esq.

Practiced for 25 years in civil rights and complex commercial litigation in discrimination, education, unfair trade practices, qui tam cases involving false claims against the government, and antitrust. Lead counsel in CHD v. Rutgers, a challenge to the university’s COVID-19 mandate.

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Kari Bundy

Kari Bundy

Kari Bundy is the translations manager at Children’s Health Defense. After the death of her 4-month-old son, Mason, following his routine vaccinations, Kari set off in search of answers and discovered the toxic load that plagues our children in almost every area. Since her son’s death in 2011, Kari has made it her mission to empower and educate parents and legislators how to make healthy choices.

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Karl Jablonowski

Karl Jablonowski, Ph.D.

He earned his Ph.D. in Biomedical and Health Informatics from the University of Washington and was honored with three fellowships from the U.S. Department of Energy, the National Institutes of Health, and Children’s Health Defense. With a focus on data mining medical records, he currently serves as a Senior Research Scientist at Children’s Health Defense.

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Krishna Doniparthi, M.D.

Dr. Doniparthi, M.D., is a physician specializing in fatty acids and phospholipids for cellular repair and regeneration. His clinic Functional Medicine Georgia is located in Alpharetta, GA, focusing on biological substrates for cellular detoxification to help children and adults with complex medical conditions.

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Kristen Meghan Kelly, MS-OSH

Kristen Meghan is an Industrial Hygienist and Environmental Specialist of 21 years. After nine years on active duty, Kristen exposed health and environmental hazards concealed from the public. A vocal educator on mask and vaccine mandates, she emphasizes their unethical and dangerous nature. Kristen sheds light on regulatory capture, solidifying her as a professional dedicated to a safer society.

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Leigh Merinoff

Leigh Merinoff owns and operates Meadows Bee Farm, an experimental farm and school in the mountains of Southern Vermont. She runs an educational program teaching farming and science fundamentals to children with subjects ranging from basic livestock skills to agroecology to herbal medicine. Leigh sits on the board of Children’s Health Defense.

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Mark Skidmore, Ph.D.

Mark Skidmore serves as Professor and Morris Chair in State and Local Government Finance at Michigan State University. He has joint appointments in the Department of Agricultural, Food and Resource Economics and the Department of Economics, and is a Distinguished Scholar at the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy.

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Miriam Eckenfels-Garcia, Esq.

Miriam Eckenfels-Garcia is the Director of CHD's EMR & Wireless program. She leads a team of litigators and researchers focused on protecting children and the environment from the harms of wireless radiofrequency (RF) radiation. Miriam is an international lawyer with a background in corporate accountability and international human rights law.

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Monica Smit

Monica Smit

Monica has been on the front line of Australia’s freedom movement since August 2020. She founded two organizations, Reignite Democracy Australia and Reignite Freedom. Monica hit the international stage when she spent 22 days in solitary confinement in a high-security prison simply for promoting an anti-lockdown protest.

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Paul Héroux

Paul Héroux, Ph.D.

Paul Héroux is Director of the Occupational Health program at McGill University, where he teaches the Toxicology and Health Effects of Electromagnetism. Member of New Hampshire’s Commission to Study the Environmental and Health Effects of Evolving 5G Technology and commissioner of the International Commission on the Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields.

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Paul Thomas, M.D.

Paul Thomas, M.D. “Dr. Paul” Pediatrician, author, activist, & champion for informed consent and medical freedom. Weekly show: “With the Wind” at Engage with his new venture with DeeDee Hoover at:

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Polly Tommey

Polly Tommey

Polly is a devoted mother raising three remarkable children, including Billy, who is vaccine injured. Recognized for her role as a producer in impactful documentaries like “Who Killed Alex Spourdalakis” and “Vaxxed,” her executive influence also shines through in "Vaxxed2."

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Ray Flores, Esq.

Ray Flores, Senior Outside Counsel to CHD, is a health freedom rights attorney. His interest in natural living started in the 1980s when he began working in the burgeoning natural foods industry. Seeing the FDA ban effective herbs and supplements, the passing of DSHEA in 1994 and the removal of most fresh juices in 1996 made it obvious that our health was under attack by the FDA and other regulatory agencies.

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Rick Jaffe

Rick Jaffe, Esq.

Rick Jaffe litigates cutting-edge medico-legal and constitutional rights cases. He works with doctors and groups across the US on cancer, stem cells, supplements, BHRT, Lyme, standard of care, medical mandates, and COVID misinformation cases. He graduated from Columbia Law School (Law Review). He received his BA at Hebrew University of Jerusalem (with honors and an academic excellence prize in Philosophy of Science). Rick is also the author of Galileo's Lawyer.

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Topics of Discussion

Illustration of a presentation
  • Propaganda
  • The Ominous History of the Vaccine Program
  • What You’re Not Told about the Vaccine Schedule
  • Cover-Ups, Censorship & Persecutions
  • The Truth About Vaccine Injury
  • The Financial System Crisis & What You Can Do
  • CHD.TV from Savannah
  • How to Reestablish Scientific Integrity
  • Functional Assessments: A Better Approach to Healthcare
  • Environmental Contaminants: Proper and Improper Mitigation Strategies
  • Threats to Our Food Supply and Solutions
  • Wireless Technology & EMR: Solutions To Protect Your Home & Your Community
  • The Legal Battles: The Wins, The Losses & Our Next Steps
  • The CHD Bus — Vax-Unvax: The People’s Study

Conference Schedule

Doors Open (Coffee/tea and networking)


Mary Holland, J.D.

President, Children’s Health Defense

Laura Bono

Vice President, Children's Health Defense

Propaganda & Its Societal Impacts

Vera Sharav

Human Rights Advocate & Holocaust Survivor

Forgotten History: From Smallpox to Pre-COVID

Suzanne Humphries, M.D.

Doctor & Holistic Medical Practitioner


Cover-Ups, Censorship & Persecutions: Whistleblowers Tell All

Brian Hooker, Ph.D.

Chief Scientific Officer, Children's Health Defense

Monica Smit

Full-Time Freedom-Loving Activist

Paul Thomas, M.D.

Pediatrician (retired) / Health Freedom

The REAL Story of Dr. Andy Wakefield

Andy Wakefield, M.D., FRCS

Author, Screenwriter & Director, Physician, Scientist

Hope for Autism

Tracy Slepcevic, NBC-HWC

Bestselling Author & Health Practitioner

The Vaccine Schedule: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

Christina Parks, Ph.D.

Cellular and Molecular Biology

James Lyons-Weiler, Ph.D.

CEO and Director of IPAK

Brian Hooker, Ph.D.

Chief Scientific Officer, Children's Health Defense

Paul Thomas, M.D.

Pediatrician (retired) / Health Freedom

DeeDee Hoover, LMT, PMT, CCT

Licensed Massage Therapist/Bodyworker, Family Health and Wellness Coach, Co-Founder of Kids First 4 Ever

Remembering the Vaccine Injured: A Moment of Silence

Kari Bundy

Translations Manager, Children’s Health Defense


Lessons in Public Health Advocacy

Aseem Malhotra, M.D.

Consultant Cardiologist, researcher, public health activist and international best-selling author

RFK Jr. Discusses Children’s Health & Health Freedom: Past, Present & Future

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

CHD Founder, Chairman and Chief Litigation Counsel on Leave

Daytime Event Ends

Cocktail Reception

Defender Dinner and Award Ceremony

Defender Dinner with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in the Chatham Ballroom Spend an evening with us as we take an intimate look into the life and perspectives of CHD’s founder and chairman on leave in this fireside chat interview. Then let loose with Five Times August and our global community of health freedom activists.

Defender Dinner Ends

Doors Open

Good Morning!

Mary Holland, J.D.

President, Children’s Health Defense

Let’s Discuss Food: Problems and Creative Solutions (Panel Discussion)

Zen Honeycutt

Executive Director, Moms Across America

Krishna Doniparthi, M.D.

Medical Director

Leigh Merinoff

Owner, Meadows Bee Farm

Jim Gale

Founder & Chief Storyteller

The Effects of Medications, Nutraceuticals and COVID Vaccines on the Microbiome

Sabine Hazan, M.D.

Gastroenterologist & Medical Researcher

Exposing the Weaponization of Regulatory Agencies & Reestablishing Precedence

Tammy Clark, B.S.

IH/OEHS Professional

Kristen Meghan Kelly, MS-OSH

Sr. Industrial Hygienist & Environmental Specialist


Solutions in the Post-COVID Era (Scientific Panel Discussion)

Brian Hooker, Ph.D.

Chief Scientific Officer, Children's Health Defense

James Lyons-Weiler, Ph.D.

CEO and Director of IPAK

Christina Parks, Ph.D.

Cellular and Molecular Biology

Mark Skidmore, Ph.D.

Professor of Economics and Morris Chair

Aseem Malhotra, M.D.

Consultant Cardiologist, researcher, public health activist and international best-selling author

Sabine Hazan, M.D.

Gastroenterologist & Medical Researcher

CHD’s Frontline Vaccine Litigation (CHD Legal Panel)

Kim Mack Rosenberg, Esq.

General Counsel, Children's Health Defense

Mary Holland, J.D.

President, Children’s Health Defense

What About Wireless? The Ins and Outs of EMR (Expert Panel)

Paul Héroux, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Toxicology and Health Effects of Electromagnetism

Miriam Eckenfels-Garcia, Esq.

EMR & Wireless Program Director, Children's Health Defense

W. Scott McCollough, Esq.

Chief Litigation Counsel - CHD EMR Team

Cecelia (Cece) Doucette

Massachusetts for Safe Technology

CHD: Holding Government Agencies Legally Accountable (CHD Legal Panel)

W. Scott McCollough, Esq.

Chief Litigation Counsel - CHD EMR Team

Ray Flores, Esq.

Attorney at Law

Rolf Hazlehurst, Esq.

Senior Staff Attorney, Children’s Health Defense

Risa Evans, Esq.

Staff Attorney, Children's Health Defense


The Financial System Crisis & Solutions to Take Back Our Power

Catherine Austin Fitts

President, The Solari Report

CHD-TV: ‘This Year’ With Mary & Polly

Mary Holland, J.D.

President, Children’s Health Defense

Polly Tommey

CHD-TV Program Director, Producer of “Vaxxed”, Executive Producer “Vaxxed2”, Director and Founder of The Autism Trust USA and UK

Lifetime Achievement Award: Vera Sharav


Recognitions and Photos

Daytime Event Ends

Optional Movie Night: Private Screening of “Protocol 7”

Movie Night: Private screening of the film “Protocol 7” (2024), and Q & A Session with filmmakers and Dr. Andy Wakefield. (Tickets to this exclusive screening are limited and sold on-site at the conference).

Evening Event Ends

Doors Open (Coffee Hour)


Science & Researchers Track

Join fellow scientists and researchers for a day of discussion, critical thinking, and collaboration as we examine optimal strategies to address current and future research needs.


Medical Track

Functional Assessments Workshop for Providers. Attendees will learn strategies for searching for mechanisms of disease & systems dysfunction in this interactive day of learning. Non-medical attendees are welcome.


Legal Track

Lead by CHD Attorneys.


Films Track

Join us for a film marathon in the Oglethorp Theater located right inside the Convention Center. We will be showing some of our favorite films with some of our favorite independent truth-telling filmmakers!


The CHD Great Quest

Get ready for a day of exciting adventure as you experience Savannah with a twist! We will provide you with a CHD Quest Bag and send you on a walking scavenger hunt through historic Savannah in search of clues to solve the CHD Great Quest!

Things To Do

We chose Savannah not just for its beautiful Convention Center but also because of its rich culture and numerous historic attractions. We hope that you’ll take some time to enjoy this lovely 250-year-old city.

To make your “Rise & Resist” experience even more memorable and stress-free, we’ve arranged for the following:

  • CHD's dedicated ferry will bring attendees across the river to and from the Convention center and the Savannah Historic Riverfront.
  • CHD’s dedicated trolley will pick up attendees staying at any of our hotel blocks and bring them to and from the convention center.
  • CHD’s Great Quest Contest will bring attendees together for a once-in-a-lifetime experience solving mysteries hidden throughout Historic Savannah. Follow the Great Quest clues for a chance to win tickets to next year's CHD Conference!
  • CHD Group Discounts Your CHD badge will earn discounts at several restaurants, attractions, shops and specialty businesses, including:
    • Savannah Historic Trolley Tours
    • Riverboat Tours
    • Ghost Tours of Savannah
    • Taste of Savannah Restaurant Tours
    • And more

Come join us to learn, make new connections and explore historic Savannah!

Three images of different locations in Savannah, Georgia