Biden’s open border is getting people killed


President Joe Biden’s refusal to even attempt to secure the southern border is getting people killed, and it may just be breathing life into terrorist threats on U.S. soil as well.

The Department of Homeland Security has reportedly identified at least 400 illegal immigrants from Central Asia who have crossed the southern border by way of a human smuggling network affiliated with the Islamic State group. Just 150 of those 400 have been arrested, and DHS has lost track of more than 50 of them. This is on top of previous reports that Immigration and Customs Enforcement can’t keep up with the surge and has released into the country illegal immigrants who are on the FBI’s terrorist watchlist.

This only further adds to the threat to the public that has been brought on by a massive surge of unvetted illegal immigrants that Biden has allowed to enter the country. Over the past few months, several people have been murdered by illegal immigrants, many of whom had already been deported or arrested multiple times before their latest crimes. Among the victims are Rachel Morin, who was allegedly raped and killed by an illegal immigrant who had been deported three times, and Jocelyn Nungaray, a 12-year-old allegedly murdered by two men who were released into the country.

Worse still, we do not know the scope of the threat. The Congressional Budget Office estimated that 860,000 illegal immigrants were “gotaways” in fiscal 2023, meaning they were not caught or turned away by Border Patrol. That is double the number of gotaways as when Biden took office, a number that has continued to rise year by year during his administration.


Yes, many illegal immigrants are not violent. But several of them are, and letting in hundreds of thousands of people each year who are completely unvetted increases the chances that violent criminals, such as the ones who allegedly killed Morin and Nungaray, will enter the country. While Democrats spit on those murders by saying that illegal immigrants as a whole don’t commit as many crimes as Americans, the reality is that every single murder committed by an illegal immigrant is preventable by not allowing them to illegally enter the country in the first place.

All of this is preventable, but Biden has intentionally weakened border security because he and his party view having a border as racist. These deaths are on the president and other Democrats who do not want to deport anyone and would rather release into the country illegal immigrants about whom we know nothing, no matter how many times they have been deported or what their criminal records or affiliations are in their home countries.

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