PETA seizes on CNN pundit’s ‘escaped monkey’ analysis of Trump


People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, or PETA, seized on a never-Trumper’s slam of former President Donald Trump as an “escaped monkey from a cocaine study” during CNN’s pre-debate analysis on Thursday to call for an end to federal animal testing.

“Whoever wins the presidential race must recognize that experiments on animals are failing to lead to treatments for humans and should cut the National Institutes of Health’s budget for animal tests entirely and permanently,” PETA Senior Vice President Kathy Guillermo told Secrets.

She was reacting to a typically harsh comment about Trump from pundit Jonah Goldberg, co-founder of the Dispatch.

He was on a panel hosted by CNN morning anchor Kasie Hunt, who came under fire this week for cutting off the microphone of Trump spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt. Hunt asked Goldberg for his assessment of the importance of the debate Thursday night between Trump and President Joe Biden.

He said:

“For Biden, it’s not misgivings necessarily about his character. It’s misgivings about his age, whether he’s up to the job.

“And for Trump, it’s misgivings about, ‘Dear God, are we going to go back to four more years of the kind of chaos and him being in our headspace again? Can I handle that? Can I make peace with that, or is it going to be four more years of him tweeting like an escaped monkey from a cocaine study?‘”

That drew laughs from the panel but not from PETA.


Guillermo told us, “It may sound bizarre that experimenters deliberately addict monkeys to cocaine, but this abuse masquerading as science is real — and unfortunately, there is no escape for these animals.”

She also told us, “We aren’t upset with the comment. We just want people to know that monkeys actually are addicted to cocaine and other drugs in laboratories, and we hope that whoever ends up in the White House will understand that these studies are both cruel and ineffective and will cut NIH’s budget for tests on animals.”

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