The Summer Olympics showcase America’s greatness


The Summer Olympics are fast approaching, and while the Olympic Games are about countries coming together to compete against each other, it also represents part of why the United States is always a cut above the rest.

The U.S. has won the overall medal count in the last seven Summer Olympic Games and won the gold medal count in six of the last seven. The latest Summer Games featured an incredible American comeback on the final day of events as the U.S. stormed back to top China in both categories.

The Summer Games have served for decades now as further proof that the American system is the best. The American team is diverse, but not in a “look at our skin color quotas” way as liberal media in the country wish. The team is made up of people of all kinds of backgrounds with unique struggles and stories. Compare that with China, with its academies that often force athletes into certain sports to maximize medal results. In the battle between choice and coercion, America still comes out on top.


Another parallel comes through how countries such as China cheat to get ahead. China’s cheating in trade is well documented, from counterfeits to economic espionage, and the country brings the same attitude to the Olympics. Twenty-three Chinese swimmers tested positive for banned substances before the 2020 Olympics but were allowed to compete and steal medals from the U.S. and other countries. Eleven of them will be swimming again this year.

And yet, while corrupt international organizations continue to turn their eyes away from China’s abuses of the system, America still came out on top in the Tokyo Games in 2021 and likely will again this year. It’s a nice parallel between sports and global relations that still holds true and yet another reason for optimism despite the many issues we face in domestic politics year after year.

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