Magazine - Your Land

O’er the land of the AC


The Summer Olympics are when the United States flexes its superiority over every other country in the world, including our European friends. This year, the festivities are starting before the Games even begin.

The U.S. Olympic team will be bringing air conditioning units to the Olympic Village for the Games in Paris, which “undercuts organizers’ plans to cut carbon emissions,” according to the Associated Press. After all, you do not get to be the best Olympic country on the planet by letting your athletes stew in non-air-conditioned venues in the summer. Greatness doesn’t sleep at 79 degrees Fahrenheit.


That is especially true when the outrage is unfounded. The U.S. is not the only country providing its athletes with AC for the Games (Britain, Germany, and Canada are among those doing the same). And 74% of France’s energy production comes from nuclear energy, which, of course, does not produce carbon emissions. Maybe California Democrats will force ineffective sacrifices on its residents to pretend they are saving the planet, but that is why they are leading a failing state into the ground and not the greatest Olympic program of all time.

American athletes will be well rested and well cooled and hopefully on their way to yet another dominant performance over world-worst polluter China in the process, because that is what America is all about. You can keep your pretentious climate slacktivism, and we will keep our gold medals and crisp, cool air conditioning.

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