Portland State University president apologizes to anti-Israel protesters for calling police


The inmates are running the asylums at college campuses around the country.

Protester privilege is the latest left-wing fad dominating American culture. Apparently, people can commit criminal acts, break laws, invade and occupy buildings, and any other number of illegal activities just so long as all of it is done under the guise of “Free Palestine.”

Cowardly university presidents and officials have genuflected to the whims and demands of a bunch of people who, for the most part, have never set foot out in the real world and know what real responsibilities are. This is indicative of the toxic rot at the core of left-wing political ideology and activism. The adults who are supposed to be in charge and educate future generations have opted to coddle and appease them. One such example is the gutless president of Portland State University, Ann Cudd. 

After protesters invaded, ransacked, and took the university’s library hostage and occupied it, Cudd (rightfully) called the police for help. Police eventually cleared the building of its illegal occupants, and the university was able to reclaim it. Yet after Cudd did the correct and responsible thing, she apologized to the criminals and delinquents for getting law enforcement officers involved. 

“I know our cooperation with the Portland Police Bureau was upsetting to some in our community, and I want to address that directly,” Cudd wrote in a message posted to the university website. “We would not have taken that step if we thought this matter could be resolved in any other way.”

“I negotiated with students, with the assistance of three faculty members, to provide an opportunity for students to leave the library with minimal adverse consequences,” Cudd added. “While we learned from the faculty members that 50-100 students then left the library, the ones who remained chose not to accept my offer and made it clear that they would not leave voluntarily.”

Apologizing for calling the police on people who illegally stormed a building and took it over? This is blasphemous.


Negotiating with terrorists is usually understood to be a no-no. That is unless the agitator is a left-wing activist. Then, college officials do their best Neville Chamberlain impression and seek to appease the radicals. No other criminals or rule breakers receive such breaks or accommodations. These cowardly leaders are enabling and emboldening these unhinged fanatics running rampant on college campuses all because they are afraid to be responsible adults and hold people accountable for their criminal behavior.

Cudd should be ashamed of herself, and so should any other university president who mimics her cowardly impotence. They are failing this country, and their willingness to bend the knee and acquiesce to the demands of these despotic college student totalitarians is a true dereliction of their duty as university presidents. 

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