Biden wants the country to be more racist than it is

President Joe Biden pitched himself as our uniter-in-chief, but he spends his time sewing racial division to try and solidify his political support.

Biden turned his speech at Morehouse College’s graduation ceremony into a racial grievance session. He told students at the historically black university that they have to be “10 times better than anyone else to get a fair shot” and that, even if they love their country, the country does not love them back. He also revived his lies about Georgia’s voting laws (Morehouse is in Georgia), which he said were worse than Jim Crow voting restrictions, despite the fact that black voters in Georgia experienced no problems voting under the new law.

Biden ran as the man who was going to “lower the temperature,” a line that was not about “climate change” but about unifying the country. He was supposed to be the adult in the room (not just because he is over 80 years old), a diplomatic statesman who wanted to reach across the aisle. That was what he pitched himself as, but that is never what he was going to be.

We know this because during the 2012 presidential campaign, Biden said that GOP challengers Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan would put black people “back in chains.” Division, especially racial division, has been a go-to tactic for both Biden and the Democratic Party for years. That is what he was trying to invoke in his speech to Morehouse students, even if he had to fabricate examples. He wants black voters to think that everyone hates them except him and the Democratic Party, so they have no choice but to support him and his crashing campaign.


In other words, Biden wants the country to be more racist than it is so he can get more votes. There aren’t enough racial divisions for him to exploit, so he has to do his part to create more. It is the same reason why Democratic politicians and media figures are quick to jump on hate crime hoaxes or make up things about Georgia’s voting laws, for example.

Anyone who knew Biden’s history would know he was never going to be less divisive or antagonistic than former President Donald Trump. This is who Biden is, and this is how the Democratic Party has positioned itself: lie about wanting unity while smearing any political obstacle as proof of systemic, societal racism that only the Democratic Party can help stand against. Much like with most of his life story, Biden’s political image is a lie. He is only concerned with getting reelected, no matter how much division he has to create to pull it off.

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