Joe Biden has no respect for the limits of presidential authority


President Joe Biden may have sought to distinguish himself from former President Donald Trump by claiming to respect the limits of his office, but the senile commander in chief has spent his entire term abusing his authority.

Biden briefly emerged Monday to chastise the Supreme Court for ruling that presidents are immune from prosecution for official acts while claiming that he has and will continue to respect the limits of the office.

“I know I will respect the limits of the presidential power, as I have for three and a half years,” Biden said. “But any president, including Donald Trump, will now be free to ignore the law.”

As much as Biden may try and pretend that he is constrained by the Constitution’s limits on executive authority, his words ring as a hollow lie. Since he took office on Jan. 20, 2021, he has repeatedly abused the powers of his office, ignored the expectations of his office, and disregarded the limits upon his office.

Immediately after becoming president, Biden abrogated his duty to protect the citizens of the United States by ending any semblance of border security and inviting a flood of illegal immigrants to cross the southern border. As a result, cities and towns have struggled to handle the influx of persons, while law-abiding citizens have become the victims of crimes committed by people who should not have been in the country.

But that is only half of it. Biden has drastically expanded the powers of the federal bureaucracy, enacting regulations that dodge the legislative process and have serious effects on the day-to-day lives of ordinary people. Whether it was a proposed ban on gas stoves, forcing hospitals and doctors to perform transgender surgeries and procedures that violate their conscience, or requiring schools to allow men to compete in women’s sports programs, each of these far-reaching regulations falls far beyond the scope of the laws the agencies that enacted them are supposed to enforce.


Biden has also openly bragged about defying the rulings of the Supreme Court. In 2022, the president engaged in a brazen vote-buying scheme that he had no authority to implement when he attempted to cancel student loans for millions of borrowers. But even after the Supreme Court struck down the unlawful plot last year, he has gone ahead and canceled the loans of millions of borrowers.

Biden may try to claim that he has operated within the confines of the law and the limits of presidential authority, but his track record is anything but. The standard he has set is that whatever Biden does is within the confines of presidential authority but whatever Trump does is an attack on democracy. This November, voters can finally end his dishonest and authoritarian administration.

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