WebAssembly performance patterns for web apps

In this guide, aimed at web developers who want to benefit from WebAssembly, you'll learn how to make use of Wasm to outsource CPU-intensive tasks with the help of a running example. The guide covers everything from best practices for loading Wasm modules to optimizing their compilation and instantiation. It further discusses shifting the CPU-intensive tasks to Web Workers and looks into implementation decisions you'll be confronted with like when to create the Web Worker and whether to keep it permanently alive or spin it up when needed. The guide iteratively develops the approach and introduces one performance pattern at a time, until suggesting the best solution to the problem.


Assume you have a very CPU-intensive task that you want to outsource to WebAssembly (Wasm) for its close-to-native performance. The CPU-intensive task used as an example in this guide calculates the factorial of a number. The factorial is the product of an integer and all the integers below it. For example, the factorial of four (written as 4!) is equal to 24 (that is, 4 * 3 * 2 * 1). The numbers get big quickly. For example, 16! is 2,004,189,184. A more realistic example of a CPU-intensive task could be scanning a barcode oder tracing a raster image.

A performant iterative (rather than recursive) implementation of a factorial() function is shown in the following code sample written in C++.

#include <stdint.h>

extern "C" {

// Calculates the factorial of a non-negative integer n.
uint64_t factorial(unsigned int n) {
    uint64_t result = 1;
    for (unsigned int i = 2; i <= n; ++i) {
        result *= i;
    return result;


For the rest of the article, assume there's a Wasm module based on compiling this factorial() function with Emscripten in a file called factorial.wasm using all code optimization best practices. For a refresher on how to do this, read Calling compiled C functions from JavaScript using ccall/cwrap. The following command was used to compile factorial.wasm as standalone Wasm.

emcc -O3 factorial.cpp -o factorial.wasm -s WASM_BIGINT -s EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS='["_factorial"]'  --no-entry

In HTML, there's a form with an input paired with an output and a submit button. These elements are referenced from JavaScript based on their names.

  <label>The factorial of <input type="text" value="12" /></label> is
  <button type="submit">Calculate</button>
const input = document.querySelector('input');
const output = document.querySelector('output');
const button = document.querySelector('button');

Loading, compilation, and instantiation of the module

Before you can use a Wasm module, you need to load it. On the web, this happens through the fetch() API. As you know that your web app depends on the Wasm module for the CPU-intensive task, you should preload the Wasm file as early as possible. You do this with a CORS-enabled fetch in the <head> section of your app.

<link rel="preload" as="fetch" href="factorial.wasm" crossorigin />

In reality, the fetch() API is asynchronous and you need to await the result.


Next, compile and instantiate the Wasm module. There are temptingly named functions called WebAssembly.compile() (plus WebAssembly.compileStreaming()) and WebAssembly.instantiate() for these tasks, but, instead, the WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming() method compiles and instantiates a Wasm module directly from a streamed underlying source like fetch()—no await needed. This is the most efficient and optimized way to load Wasm code. Assuming the Wasm module exports a factorial() function, you can then use it straight away.

const importObject = {};
const resultObject = await WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(
const factorial = resultObject.instance.exports.factorial;

button.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
  output.textContent = factorial(parseInt(input.value, 10));

Shift the task to a Web Worker

If you execute this on the main thread, with truly CPU-intensive tasks, you risk blocking the entire app. A common practice is to shift such tasks to a Web Worker.

Restructure of the main thread

To move the CPU-intensive task to a Web Worker, the first step is to restructure the application. The main thread now creates a Worker, and, apart from that, only deals with sending the input to the Web Worker and then receiving the output and displaying it.

/* Main thread. */

let worker = null;

// When the button is clicked, submit the input value
//  to the Web Worker.
button.addEventListener('click', (e) => {

  // Create the Web Worker lazily on-demand.
  if (!worker) {
    worker = new Worker('worker.js');

    // Listen for incoming messages and display the result.
    worker.addEventListener('message', (e) => {
      output.textContent = e.result;

  worker.postMessage({ integer: parseInt(input.value, 10) });

Bad: Task runs in Web Worker, but code is racy

The Web Worker instantiates the Wasm module and, upon receiving a message, performs the CPU-intensive task and sends the result back to the main thread. The problem with this approach is that instantiating a Wasm module with WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming() is an asynchronous operation. This means that the code is racy. In the worst case, the main thread sends data when the Web Worker isn't ready yet, and the Web Worker never receives the message.

/* Worker thread. */

// Instantiate the Wasm module.
// 🚫 This code is racy! If a message comes in while
// the promise is still being awaited, it's lost.
const importObject = {};
const resultObject = await WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(
const factorial = resultObject.instance.exports.factorial;

// Listen for incoming messages, run the task,
// and post the result.
self.addEventListener('message', (e) => {
  const { integer } = e.data;
  self.postMessage({ result: factorial(integer) });

Better: Task runs in Web Worker, but with possibly redundant loading and compiling

One workaround to the problem of asynchronous Wasm module instantiation is to move the Wasm module loading, compilation, and instantiation all into the event listener, but this would mean that this work would need to happen on every received message. With HTTP caching and the HTTP cache able to cache the compiled Wasm bytecode, this is not the worst solution, but there's a better way.

By moving the asynchronous code to the beginning of the Web Worker and not actually waiting for the promise to fulfill, but rather storing the promise in a variable, the program immediately moves on to the event listener part of the code, and no message from the main thread will be lost. Inside of the event listener, the promise can then be awaited.

/* Worker thread. */

const importObject = {};
// Instantiate the Wasm module.
// 🚫 If the `Worker` is spun up frequently, the loading
// compiling, and instantiating work will happen every time.
const wasmPromise = WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(

// Listen for incoming messages
self.addEventListener('message', async (e) => {
  const { integer } = e.data;
  const resultObject = await wasmPromise;
  const factorial = resultObject.instance.exports.factorial;
  const result = factorial(integer);
  self.postMessage({ result });

Good: Task runs in Web Worker, and loads and compiles only once

The result of the static WebAssembly.compileStreaming() method is a promise that resolves to a WebAssembly.Module. One nice feature of this object is that it can be transferred using postMessage(). This means the Wasm module can be loaded and compiled just once in the main thread (or even another Web Worker purely concerned with loading and compiling), and then be transferred to the Web Worker responsible for the CPU-intensive task. The following code shows this flow.

/* Main thread. */

const modulePromise = WebAssembly.compileStreaming(fetch('factorial.wasm'));

let worker = null;

// When the button is clicked, submit the input value
// and the Wasm module to the Web Worker.
button.addEventListener('click', async (e) => {

  // Create the Web Worker lazily on-demand.
  if (!worker) {
    worker = new Worker('worker.js');

    // Listen for incoming messages and display the result.
    worker.addEventListener('message', (e) => {
      output.textContent = e.result;

    integer: parseInt(input.value, 10),
    module: await modulePromise,

On the Web Worker side, all that remains is to extract the WebAssembly.Module object and instantiate it. Since the message with the WebAssembly.Module isn't streamed, the code in the Web Worker now uses WebAssembly.instantiate() rather than the instantiateStreaming() variant from before. The instantiated module is cached in a variable, so the instantiation work only needs to happen once upon spinning up the Web Worker.

/* Worker thread. */

let instance = null;

// Listen for incoming messages
self.addEventListener('message', async (e) => {
  // Extract the `WebAssembly.Module` from the message.
  const { integer, module } = e.data;
  const importObject = {};
  // Instantiate the Wasm module that came via `postMessage()`.
  instance = instance || (await WebAssembly.instantiate(module, importObject));
  const factorial = instance.exports.factorial;
  const result = factorial(integer);
  self.postMessage({ result });

Perfect: Task runs in inline Web Worker, and loads and compiles only once

Even with HTTP caching, obtaining the (ideally) cached Web Worker code and potentially hitting the network is expensive. A common performance trick is to inline the Web Worker and load it as a blob: URL. This still requires the compiled Wasm module to be passed to the Web Worker for instantiation, as the contexts of the Web Worker and the main thread are different, even if they're based on the same JavaScript source file.

/* Main thread. */

const modulePromise = WebAssembly.compileStreaming(fetch('factorial.wasm'));

let worker = null;

const blobURL = URL.createObjectURL(
  new Blob(
let instance = null;

self.addEventListener('message', async (e) => {
  // Extract the \`WebAssembly.Module\` from the message.
  const {integer, module} = e.data;
  const importObject = {};
  // Instantiate the Wasm module that came via \`postMessage()\`.
  instance = instance || await WebAssembly.instantiate(module, importObject);
  const factorial = instance.exports.factorial;
  const result = factorial(integer);
    { type: 'text/javascript' },

button.addEventListener('click', async (e) => {

  // Create the Web Worker lazily on-demand.
  if (!worker) {
    worker = new Worker(blobURL);

    // Listen for incoming messages and display the result.
    worker.addEventListener('message', (e) => {
      output.textContent = e.result;

    integer: parseInt(input.value, 10),
    module: await modulePromise,

Lazy or eager Web Worker creation

So far, all the code samples spun up the Web Worker lazily on-demand, that is, when the button was pressed. Depending on your application, it can make sense to create the Web Worker more eagerly, for example, when the app is idle or even as part of the app's bootstrapping process. Therefore, move the Web Worker creation code outside of the button's event listener.

const worker = new Worker(blobURL);

// Listen for incoming messages and display the result.
worker.addEventListener('message', (e) => {
  output.textContent = e.result;

Keep the Web Worker around or not

One question that you may ask yourself is whether you should keep the Web Worker permanently around, or recreate it whenever you need it. Both approaches are possible and have their advantages and disadvantages. For example, keeping a Web Worker permanently around may increase your app's memory footprint and make dealing with concurrent tasks harder, since you somehow need to map results coming from the Web Worker back to the requests. On the other hand, your Web Worker's bootstrapping code might be rather complex, so there could be a lot of overhead if you create a new one each time. Luckily this is something you can measure with the User Timing API.

The code samples so far have kept one permanent Web Worker around. The following code sample creates a new Web Worker ad hoc whenever needed. Note that you need to keep track of terminating the Web Worker yourself. (The code snippet skips error handling, but in case something goes wrong, be sure to terminate in all cases, success or failure.)

/* Main thread. */

let worker = null;

const modulePromise = WebAssembly.compileStreaming(fetch('factorial.wasm'));

const blobURL = URL.createObjectURL(
  new Blob(
// Caching the instance means you can switch between
// throw-away and permanent Web Worker freely.
let instance = null;

self.addEventListener('message', async (e) => {
  // Extract the \`WebAssembly.Module\` from the message.
  const {integer, module} = e.data;
  const importObject = {};
  // Instantiate the Wasm module that came via \`postMessage()\`.
  instance = instance || await WebAssembly.instantiate(module, importObject);
  const factorial = instance.exports.factorial;
  const result = factorial(integer);
    { type: 'text/javascript' },

button.addEventListener('click', async (e) => {
  // Terminate a potentially running Web Worker.
  if (worker) {
  // Create the Web Worker lazily on-demand.
  worker = new Worker(blobURL);
  worker.addEventListener('message', (e) => {
    worker = null;
    output.textContent = e.data.result;
    integer: parseInt(input.value, 10),
    module: await modulePromise,


There are two demos for you to play with. One with an ad hoc Web Worker (source code) and one with a permanent Web Worker (source code). If you open the Chrome DevTools and check the Console, you can see the User Timing API logs that measure the time it takes from the button click to the displayed result on the screen. The Network tab shows the blob: URL request(s). In this example, the timing difference between ad hoc and permanent is about 3×. In practice, to the human eye, both are indistinguishable in this case. The results for your own real life app will most likely vary.

Factorial Wasm demo app with an ad hoc Worker. Chrome DevTools are open. There are two blob: URL requests in the Network tab and the Console shows two calculation timings.

Factorial Wasm demo app with a permanent Worker. Chrome DevTools are open. There is just one blob: URL request in the Network tab and the Console shows four calculation timings.


This post has explored some performance patterns for dealing with Wasm.

  • As a general rule, prefer the streaming methods (WebAssembly.compileStreaming() and WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming()) over their non-streaming counterparts (WebAssembly.compile() and WebAssembly.instantiate()).
  • If you can, outsource performance-heavy tasks in a Web Worker, and do the Wasm loading and compiling work only once outside of the Web Worker. This way, the Web Worker only needs to instantiate the Wasm module it receives from the main thread where the loading and compiling happened with WebAssembly.instantiate(), which means the instance can be cached if you keep the Web Worker around permanently.
  • Measure carefully whether it makes sense to keep one permanent Web Worker around forever, or to create ad hoc Web Workers whenever they are needed. Also think when it is the best time to create the Web Worker. Things to take into consideration are memory consumption, the Web Worker instantiation duration, but also the complexity of possibly having to deal with concurrent requests.

If you take these patterns into account, you're on the right track to optimal Wasm performance.


This guide was reviewed by Andreas Haas, Jakob Kummerow, Deepti Gandluri, Alon Zakai, Francis McCabe, François Beaufort, and Rachel Andrew.