
Sessions will be held virtually. All times indicated are Eastern Daylight Time (UTC – 4).

Monday, June 28, 2021

Opening Remarks 0900-0910

Session 1: Cybercrime 0910-1010 (Session Chair: Marie Vasek)

Break 1010-1030

Session 2: Post-Breach Activities 1030-1130 (Session Chair: Erin Kenneally)

Break 1130-1200

Session 3: Vulnerabilities 1200-1300 (Session Chair: Mingyan Liu)

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Session 4: Empirical Models 0900-1000 (Session Chair: Sam Ransbotham)

Break 1000-1020

Session 5: Strategic Models 1020-1120 (Session Chair: Ying Lei Toh)

Break 1120-1150

Session 6: WEIS at 20 Years: Panel Discussion 1150-1250

  • Alessandro Acquisti
  • Ross Anderson
  • Rainer Böhme
  • L Jean Camp
  • Lawrence Gordon
  • Martin Loeb
  • Kanta Matsuura
  • Andrew Odlyzko

Session 7: Rump Session 1250-1350 (Session Chair: Tyler Moore)

All attendees are invited to give a brief presentation (max 5 minutes including Q&A) on late-breaking research or make an announcement (max 2 minutes). Email [email protected] to reserve your spot.

Concluding Remarks 1350-1400