
The Australasian Wildlife Genomics Group studies the molecular genetics and evolution of gene families and genomes of our native wildlife.

Tasmanian Devil
Bilby by Yuanyuan Cheng
Tasmanian Devil
Bilby by Yuanyuan Cheng
CI Lizards 051a.on finger (Large)_TCSA
Koala by Desley Whisson
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Our aims

Under the leadership of Professor Kathy Belov and Dr Carolyn Hogg, the Australasian Wildlife Genomics Group studies the molecular genetics and evolution of gene families and genomes of our native wildlife. We are particularly interested in the immune system, discovery of novel peptides, conservation genetics and applications for conservation management.

Our research is funded by the Australian Research Council, the Australian Government’s Bushfire Recovery for Wildlife and their Habitats program and the NSW Government. Our research is also kindly supported by a number of partners including the Australian Wildlife Conservancy, Toledo Zoo and Aquarium, Amazon Web Services, RONIN, Illumina and the Ramaciotti Centre for Genomics.

Genomes and other genomic resources we generate as part of our research program can be accessed through the Amazon Web Services Open Data Sets program (, requests for other data please contact the SOLES Australasian Wildlife Genomics Group ([email protected]).