Matt Talbot Kitchen & Outreach

Address: 2121 North 27th St. Lincoln, NE 68503

Phone: (402) 477-4116

(Matt Talbot)

About Us

Matt Talbot Kitchen and Outreach (MTKO) is a faith-based hunger relief and outreach program that was established in 1992. Devoted to serving homeless and near homeless men, women, and children, MTKO provides meals twice daily, everyday of the year. We have also expanded our services to include education, outreach and advocacy. MTKO also assists a growing number of working poor families with crisis assistance to prevent their homelessness.

Our extensive outreach and advocacy programs include such services as on-site monthly health clinics, basic and emergency needs, life skills training, transitional housing, case management and nutrition counseling. Above all, we believe in providing a warm meal, open heart, and unconditional love to all who walk through our doors. MTKO depends primarily on the time, talents, and financial contributions of its generous volunteers for hunger relief.

Vision: Matt Talbot Kitchen & Outreach is striving to be the leading community resource dedicated to serving Lincoln’s working poor and homeless, instilling hope and moving them toward an improved quality of life and self-sufficiency.

Mission: The mission of Matt Talbot Kitchen & Outreach is to serve the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of Lincoln’s working poor and homeless through outreach advocacy, education and the provision of food and shelter.

Core Values: Compassionate Love, Dignity, Empowerment, Community, Integrity


Matt Talbot Kitchen and Outreach FAQ

Who was Matt Talbot?

Born in Dublin, Ireland in 1856, he was thought to be a hopeless alcoholic by his 13th birthday. At age 28 he experienced a spiritual transformation of sorts and pledged to God, through his Catholic faith, to remain sober. He died years later, in 1925 without ever breaking his pledge.

Matt Talbot worked in a lumberyard on the docks in Dublin. He was always very poor, partly because he was well known for being generous to people in need. His life consisted of prayer, fasting and service to his brothers and sisters. Matt Talbot gave God all the credit for his conversion. Those involved in a 12 Step program know this sounds remarkably like the spiritual “Steps” through Alcoholics Anonymous, which would not be founded until after his death.

The lives of so many of those served by our program have been derailed by drug, alcohol, and addictive disorders. Our Outreach Staff work to connect many of them into treatment. Many more are still suffering. We ask, Matt Talbot, a human model of recovery and spiritual growth, and God to watch over the ones who suffer most and help us to be instruments of hope and recovery for them.

What services do you provide?

In addition to two nutritious meals provided for lunch and dinner each day, Matt Talbot offers a wide array of outreach and homeless prevention services. Such services include a transitional housing program, case management services, a six weeks series of life skills classes, nutrition counseling, cooking classes and gardening, assistance in obtaining identification, street outreach, access to basic and emergency needs, information, advocacy and referral.

What new services have you added since moving to your new location?

Since moving we’ve added shower and laundry service for people who are homeless. We’ve expanded our volunteer opportunities for the outreach program, and we’re currently developing a drug and alcohol counseling program.

How are you funded?

Funding comes from a variety of sources. General donations make up the majority, followed by grants, direct mail appeals, and special events. Significant in-kind donations are obtained by from volunteers for the feeding program. Dana F. Cole & Company provides professional accounting and auditing services for the organization.

How can I help?

You can help by volunteering for hunger relief, office support, fundraising, or outreach drives. Monetary donations are always needed and appreciated. Donations may be made in person, online at or mailed to our PO Box at 80935, Lincoln, NE 68501. Credit cards are also accepted.