Investor Insights

Timely insights and analysis for institutional investors seeking long term value in a zero-emissions economy.

ACCR Presentation on challenges and opportunities in the NEM transition and implications for AGL

Webinar to explore the challenges facing the Australian energy transition.

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Investor Bulletin: Woodside diversifies into ammonia, but is it decarbonisation?

Woodside’s acquisition of an ammonia project in Texas, USA, is a welcome departure from deploying shareholder capital to long-duration, low-margin and high-emissions oil and gas projects. But this “new energy” investment won’t reduce Woodside’s oil and gas emissions.

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Investor Bulletin: Rio Tinto’s anti-climate advocacy prompts ACCR to disengage from policy collaboration

While ACCR welcomes constructive company engagement, we will not participate in engagements that could rightly be perceived as greenwashing

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Newsletter: science-based stewardship - July 2024

Fossil fuel companies that are actively developing new oil, gas and coal projects and delaying the global transition by lobbying to lock-in demand for their products, are materially increasing the medium to long-term risk profile for all investors.

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Investor Bulletin: Enhancing Nippon Steel’s Climate Strategy

In just under a week, investors will vote at Nippon Steel Corporation’s annual general meeting on a series of shareholder proposals urging the company to improve on steel decarbonisation and climate lobbying disclosures.

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ACCR Presentation on Nippon Steel Corporation’s 2024 AGM

Webinar to discuss ACCR’s analysis of Nippon Steel’s decarbonisation strategy and insights on the shareholder resolutions ahead of its AGM.

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ACCR Presentation on Glencore’s 2024 AGM

Webinar to discuss ACCR’s assessment of Glencore’s updated climate plan and our voting intentions in the lead up to the AGM in May.

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ACCR Presentation on Shell’s 2024 AGM

Webinar to discuss ACCR’s research and voting intentions in the lead up to Shell’s AGM in May.

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ACCR Presentation on Equinor’s 2024 AGM

Webinar to discuss ACCR's recently published Equinor report and the shareholder resolution filed by a group of institutional investors led by Sarasin and Partners LLP (Sarasin).

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ACCR Presentation on the green steel transformation

Webinar to discuss insights from ACCR's recently published report, Forging pathways: Insights for the green steel transformation.

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Climate Science Insight: Woodside’s (mis)use of scenarios in its climate plan

All scenarios have an expiration date: assumptions go bad quickly, particularly as global decarbonisation has been so delayed

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Editorial: Goyder feeling the heat ahead of Woodside AGM

At the upcoming AGM, a vote against yet another woeful climate plan and the chair who delivered it is not only justified, but necessary.

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ACCR Presentation on Woodside Energy’s 2024 AGM

Webinar to discuss the members' statement against the re-election of the Chair, Richard Goyder and our analysis of the 2023 Climate Action Transition Plan.

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Investor Bulletin: Response to Glencore’s updated climate plan

Despite escalating investor concerns around the company’s exposure to climate risk, Glencore walks away from aligning to a net zero emissions pathway.

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ACCR Presentation on Santos Ltd’s 2024 AGM

Webinar to discuss the members' statement against the re-election of the Chair, Keith Spence and Santos’ Growth Strategy.

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Investor Bulletin: Countdown to release of Glencore’s climate plan

Glencore’s upcoming Climate Action Transition Plan is a test for the company and its ability to respond to shareholder expectations.

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Investor Bulletin: ACCR files members’ statement against re-election of Woodside Chair

Following systemic failings on climate governance, a vote against the Woodside Chair is warranted.

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Investor Bulletin: Can Woodside deliver a credible climate plan tomorrow?

With persistent investor discontent over the company’s sub-optimum approach to climate risk, Woodside’s board faces a crucial test as the company’s 2023 Climate Plan is delivered.

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Investor Bulletin: ACCR files members’ statement against re-election of Santos’ Chair

From early 2021, with Chair Keith Spence at the helm, Santos has made a series of strategic decisions aimed at growth which have resulted in chronic share price underperformance.

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Editorial: Green Steel - All that glitters is not green

Steel does not have a climate problem, it has a coal problem. We can’t afford to waste a minute, or a dollar, heading in the wrong direction.

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Investor Bulletin: Shell losing ground on climate

The pillars of Shell’s decarbonisation strategy are built on weak foundations and require a major rethink if the company intends to play a meaningful role in the energy transition.

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Climate Science Insight: Delay now, pay later

While we routinely look to increasing provisions on a company’s balance sheet as a warning sign of insolvency - is it time to start applying the same lens to the planet’s balance sheet?

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Investor Bulletin: Glencore’s Teck deal invites investor scrutiny

Glencore’s acquisition of Teck's long-term metallurgical coal mines further strains its standing on climate.

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Investor Bulletin: AGL one year on - reflections and opportunities

A late-starter to the energy transition, AGL needs to fire up its tenacity if it wants to deliver and enhance its strategy, ward off the competition nipping at its heels and ensure it doesn’t return to being viewed as a company existing primarily to sweat its coal assets.

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Investor Bulletin: Muddying the waters - industry lobbying on offshore oil and gas regulation

Recent lobbying by the oil and gas industry claiming Australia’s offshore oil and gas regulation system is “broken” is a distraction from company failings and a threat to First Nations’ rights to consultation.

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Investor Bulletin: Opportunities for improving Glencore’s 2023 Climate Report

As Glencore plc prepares its 2023 Climate Action Transition Plan, investors and the company have an opportunity to improve its strength and credibility.

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ACCR Presentation on lobbying & corporate political expenditure in Australia

Webinar to discuss key findings of our lobbying & corporate political expenditure report.

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Investor Bulletin: IEA’s 2023 World Energy Outlook

Latest World Energy Outlook (WEO) shows end-game for fossil fuels

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Editorial: Fresh thinking on boards is the key to climate performance

Maintaining a business-as-usual approach in the face of an overhaul of the global energy system puts shareholder value at risk.

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ACCR at Climate Finance Day - NYC Climate Week 2023

As You Sow, Carbon Tracker, Australasian Centre for Corporate Responsibility (ACCR), and IEEFA, proudly presented a Climate Finance Day as part of NYC Climate Week 2023.

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Investor Bulletin: IEA NZE 2023 Update

The updated IEA Net Zero Emissions (NZE) roadmap shows solar and EVs doing the heavy lifting for 1.5°C.

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ACCR Annual Review FY23

Pressure from shareholders yielded significant wins for the climate over the past year. Read our Annual Review for FY23.

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Investor Bulletin: Glencore’s door open for engagement

Feedback for investors concerned about Glencore’s inadequate Climate Report and thermal coal expansion in Australia.

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Climate Science Insight: Irreversible change lurking from above and below

Underneath recent extreme weather events lie changes to fundamental climate processes that must spark urgent action towards accelerated decarbonisation.

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Investor Bulletin: BHP’s 2023 Industry Association Review

BHP’s governance of industry associations continues to limit its potential as a driver of positive climate policy engagement.

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ACCR at Responsible Investment Standards & Expectations Webinar

ACCR Chief Scientist, Dimitri Lafleur, speaks to the urgency of transitioning the global economy.

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Investor Bulletin: Analysis of Shell plc Capital Markets Day 2023

Shell demonstrates to investors an unwillingness to transform its business in line with the global energy transition.

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Climate Science Insight: New study highlights colossal risks of pushing the planet beyond 1.5 °C warming

For science-aware investors, research serves as a stark reminder why asking companies to demonstrate Paris alignment matters.

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Investor Bulletin: Case for support of the Glencore thermal coal disclosure resolution

A response to Glencore’s Notice of Meeting and the case for support of the thermal coal disclosure resolution.

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ACCR Presentation on Glencore 2023 AGM

Webinar to present our assessment of Glencore's 2022 Climate Report and the thermal coal resolution.

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Investor Bulletin: BP’s recent climate disclosures - ACCR assessment

Analysis of the disclosures from BP’s Net zero ambition progress update, 2022 Sustainability report and ESG datasheet.

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Investor Bulletin: Clearing the air - a rational assessment of fossil fuel demand

Despite the Russian invasion into the Ukraine, demand across all fossil fuels declines well before 2030 in the updated NZE and APS scenarios.

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ACCR Presentation on Santos Ltd 2023 AGM

Webinar supporting our analysis of the Santos Ltd (ASX: STO) 2022 remuneration report and provides a summary of the Tiwi Island case.

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Investor Bulletin: Shell and BP FY22 Q4 results and CO2 implications

Analysis of both BP and Shell’s FY22 Q4 results, capex and emissions target implications, and legal updates.

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Investor Bulletin: Monitoring Glencore’s climate commitments

Glencore’s planned coal expansion and growth in coal emissions is overshadowing the future facing minerals portfolio of the business.

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Investor Bulletin: Climate policies under consultation must not be stifled by industry lobby

Investors have a critical role to play in curtailing the impact of company and industry association lobbying on evolving Australian climate policy.

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