Account Login

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If this is your first time submitting an event to you will need to do one of two things:

  1. Enter your username and password below to log in. If you’ve forgotten your password, click “Forgot your password?” below to reset your password. Forgot your username? Please email [email protected].
  2. If you do not have an account, please register now. It’s FREE and everyone must have an account to submit events.
  3. View these instructional how-to videos to get started:


  • Location: Events must take place in Addison County VT.
  • Lead Time: We recommend that all event listings be submitted online a minimum of two weeks in advance of start date to maximize audience exposure. Once submitted, your event listing will be reviewed and posted within two business days.
  • Public Events: Only events open to the public will be accepted. No private or invitation-only events will be accepted.
  • Events Images: we must have a professional-quality promotional image to display with your listing. A single image may be uploaded along with your event listing. Images must be in .JPG, .JPEG or .PNG format ONLY and no larger than 2 megabytes with a required minimum size of 400 x 400 pixels to display. Depending on the size of your image and connection speed to the Internet, the upload process may take up to several minutes – please be patient. Once received, your image will be formatted for display.

AddisonArts accepts arts and cultural events that fall within these categories:

  • Gemeinschaft
  • Film
  • History & Preservation
  • Festivals
  • Kids & Family
  • Learning (Classes, Lectures & Workshops)
  • Literary Arts
  • Museums
  • Music
  • Opportunities (Auditions, Volunteer)
  • Stage (Comedy, Dance, Theatre)
  • Visual Art

AddisonArts does NOT accept:

  • Events outside Addison County
  • Virtual events without a designated location
  • Political rallies/fundraisers
  • Religious/worship services or events that assume religious or spiritual beliefs
  • Retail sales, shopping or merchandising events
  • Entrepreneurial, networking and/or recruitment events
  • “Adult” oriented entertainment or salacious content
  • AddisonArts reserves the right to accept or reject any event submission that does not meet our criteria for arts and cultural events. reserves the right to edit graphic images and submissions for grammar, style, and accuracy, as well as remove any listings that we believe are not suitable for the site. Please contact us directly at [email protected] with any questions.