Sainsbury’s Bank and AdSmart

Targeting finance prospects


Sainsbury’s Bank ran a month long campaign on AdSmart alongside some digital and social activity to promote the Sainsbury’s Bank credit card, and communicate that they are a brand who recognise customer loyalty and offer a range of product at competitive rates.


To raise awareness of Sainsbury’s Bank credit cards
To raise consideration of Sainsbury’s Bank Credit Cards
Drive 100k incremental Credit Cards Sales

Top Line Results

The campaign successfully drove an uplift in purchase consideration as the exposed group were +13% more likely to choose Sainsbury’s Bank when asked which credit card suppliers they would consider.

Of those who recalled seeing the ad, 9% took some type of action as a result. This included 2% who claimed they went on to actually acquire a Sainsbury’s Bank credit card after seeing the ad.

The targeted group were significantly more likely to agree that the creative would get their attention.

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