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Three weight ternary linear codes from non-weakly regular bent functions

  • * Corresponding author: Rumi Melih Pelen

    * Corresponding author: Rumi Melih Pelen
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  • This paper constructs several classes of three-weight ternary linear codes from non-weakly regular dual-bent functions based on a generic construction method. Instead of the whole space, we use the subspaces $ B_{\pm}(f) $ associated with a ternary non-weakly regular dual-bent function $ f $. Unusually, we use the pre-image sets of the dual function $ f^* $ in $ B_{\pm}(f) $ as the defining sets of the corresponding codes. Since the size of the defining sets of the constructed codes is flexible, it enables us to construct several codes with different parameters for a fixed dimension. We represent the weight distribution of the constructed codes, and we also give several examples.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 94A05, 94A11, 94B05; Secondary: 94A24, 94A62.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Table 1.  The weight distribution of $ \mathcal {C}_{C_{j_0}(f)} $ when $ n $ is even

    Hamming weight $ a $ Multiplicity $ E_a $
    0 1
    $ 23^{r-2} $ $ 3^{2r-n-1}+3^{r-\frac{n}{2}-1} $
    $ 2(3^{r-2}+3^{\frac{n}{2}-1}) $ $ 23^{2r-n-1}-23^{r-\frac{n}{2}-1} $
    $ 2(3^{r-2}-3^{\frac{n}{2}-2}+3^{\frac{n}{2}-1}) $ $ 3^r-3^{2r-n} $
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    Table 2.  The weight distribution of $ \mathcal {C}_{C_{j_0+2}(f)} $ when $ n $ is odd

    Hamming weight $ a $ Multiplicity $ E_a $
    0 1
    $ 23^{r-2} $ $ 3^{2r-n-1}-1 $
    $ 2\left(3^{r-2}+3^{\frac{n-3}{2}}\right) $ $ 3^{r}-23^{2r-n-1}-3^{r-\frac{n+1}{2}} $
    $ 2\left(3^{r-2}+23^{\frac{n-3}{2}}\right) $ $ 3^{2r-n-1}+3^{r-\frac{n+1}{2}} $
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    Table 3.  The weight distribution of $ \mathcal {C}_{D_{j_0+2}(f)} $ when $ n $ is even

    Hamming weight $ a $ Multiplicity $ E_a $
    0 1
    $ 23^{r-2} $ $ 23^{2r-n-1}-3^{r-\frac{n}{2}-1}-1 $
    $ 2\left(3^{r-2}+3^{\frac{n}{2}-1}\right) $ $ 3^{2r-n-1}+3^{r-\frac{n}{2}-1} $
    $ 2\left(3^{r-2}+3^{\frac{n}{2}-2}\right) $ $ 3^r-3^{2r-n} $
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    Table 4.  The weight distribution of $ \mathcal {C}_{D_{j_0+1}(f)} $ when $ n $ is odd

    Hamming weight $ a $ Multiplicity $ E_a $
    0 1
    $ 23^{r-2} $ $ 3^{2r-n-1}-1 $
    $ 2\left(3^{r-2}+3^{\frac{n-3}{2}}\right) $ $ 3^{r}-23^{2r-n-1}-3^{r-\frac{n+1}{2}} $
    $ 2\left(3^{r-2}+23^{\frac{n-3}{2}}\right) $ $ 3^{2r-n-1}+3^{r-\frac{n+1}{2}} $
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