What's Your Story

All organizations have stories. The stories are largely focused on people. Within the Department of Defense we have amazing individuals that accomplish extraordinary feats. Stories provide context and meaning to oftentimes complicated or confusing situations. Complex operations are made more understandable and accessible through the eyes of an individual and his or her experience. Empowering those within your organization to share their experiences, views and convictions is predicated on the trust of leaders. Organizations are made stronger through the individuals who comprise the institution. Regardless of the mission, people will always lend the most compelling narrative to groups efforts. Nesting individual stories within the broader organizational story not only inspires, but reinforces the very best of an organization's culture. 


Why Communicate

Communication is inextricably linked to leadership
How do you inspire others?

At the very heart of leadership lies effective communication.  Leadership communication is reflective of both internal and external communication. As GEN Douglas McArthur wrote, "The leader must have developed to the highest degree his own understanding of human nature ... for in battle men will follow only those whose demonstrated efficiency inspires confidence and respect." 

Leadership communication provides purpose and context to the activities that individuals, groups, organizations or communities experience. It includes the full range of communication skills and resources to make meaningful and lasting connections. We are dedicated to provide leaders at all levels the training and education to become effective communicators.  

"Effectively leading people is the art of command. Commanders must maintain effective communication processes and ensure unit members are well disciplined, trained and developed." Air Force Instruction 1-2: Commander's Responsibilities

What We Offer

⁃ We provide subject matter experts and serve as the primary advocate for education designed to equip leaders at all levels of Professional Military Education (PME) and Professional Continuing Education (PCE) to be effective leader communicators.

- Our organization authors curriculum to educate PME and PCE students on the need for establishing and maintaining institutional credibility through proactive and transparent communication.

⁃ We offer electives that cover a wide range of communication and leadership issues, to include:

  • Joint Doctrine
  • Leadership Communication
  • Source Credibility & Building Trust
  • Communication, Persuasion & Audience
  • Organizational Storytelling
  • Crisis Communication
  • Leading during an Era of Social Media
  • Cross Cultural Communication
  • Information Operations & Public Affairs

⁃ We provide core presentations and small group workshops to all Air Command and Staff College students attending in residence at Air University.

⁃ We provide Social Media education and training to the Wing Commanders Spouses Course.

⁃ In addition to our role within the various colleges and schools at Air University, we serve the joint community as well. We provide media engagement training and the creation of synthetic media environments to enhance complexity of scenarios and give students the opportunity to see how their communication strategies would fare in a realistic media environment. Support includes execution of the annual Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff sponsored Joint Land, Air, Sea Strategic Exercise (JLASS-EX), attended by officers from each of DoD's senior service schools.

⁃ We also support other exercises and wargames, to include the Air Force Judge Advocate General School's JAGWAR exercise portion of the Gateway professional development course.

⁃ We are the only organization in the Department of Defense dedicated to providing leadership communication education.

⁃ We welcome inquires for partnership.

Our Process


✓ Meet with department head or dean to analyze leadership communication curriculum requirements


✓ Design curriculum outcomes, strategy, and structure through team collaboration


✓ Develop lesson plans, presentations, collect readings, videos, and associated tools

✓ Coordinate facilities, education technology and student schedules


✓ Implement curriculum through in-residence and distance learning for executive, small-group, and large-group engagements


✓ Evaluate curriculum through course director and student critiques

✓ Adjust course content and objectives through internal and external audits

The Guide

Chapter 1

Effective Communication
The Charge & Challenge

Chapter 2

Understanding the Media
Public Affairs: Advice & Counsel

Chapter 3

Communication Strategy
Messages & Responses

Chapter 4

Tactics, Techniques & Procedures
Hook, Bridge & Flag

Chapter 5

Contact Information & Online Tools



          Effective Communication
          The Charge & Challenge

          Effective Communication
          The Charge & Challenge

          Effective Communication
          The Charge & Challenge

          Effective Communication
          The Charge & Challenge