33rd Legislature(2023-2024)

Bill History/Action for Legislature

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  • Bill HB 117
  • Current Status (H) L&C
  •  Then JUD
  • Status Date 03/17/2023
  • Bill Version
  • Sponsor(S) HOUSE RULES
  • Title "An Act relating to cannabis and cannabis seeds; relating to the regulation of cannabis and cannabis facilities; relating to criminal law; relating to controlled substances; relating to misbranded drugs and devices; relating to medical uses of cannabis; relating to cannabis taxes; relating to the duties of the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development and the Department of Environmental Conservation; renaming the Marijuana Control Board the Cannabis Control Board; relating to the Cannabis Control Board; repealing the industrial hemp program; relating to the cannabis use education and treatment program; relating to adulterated foods; and providing for an effective date."
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Full Text of HB 117 Intro/ Offered Passed
Version Amended Name PDF Date House Senate
HB0117A HB 117 pdf

Fiscal Action Summary

HB 117 Published
Fiscal Note Preparer Date Chamber Fiscal Impact Cmte Report Approp Bill

Bill Amendments Summary

  • Bill : HB 117

Amendments that are adopted are incorporated into the next version of the bill.
PDF versions of the amendment may have slight variations from the Journal entry. The Journal should be considered the authoritative version.

Action Journal
Amendment Chamber Action Date Page PDF

House and Senate Minutes/Recordings

  • Bill : HB 117
Meeting Date Start Time Titel Meeting Details
3/31/2023 3:15 PM HOUSE LABOR & COMMERCE Minutes Audio/Video

Documents for Bill HB 117 33rd Legislature

Additional documents may be added - continue to check back.

Document Name Date/Time Subjects
Jrn Date Jrn Page Text
406 (H) L&C, JUD
Text (H) LABOR & COMMERCE at 03:15 PM BARNES 124
Text (H) <Bill Hearing Canceled> -- Delayed to 3:30 PM --
Min (H) Minutes (HL&C)
Text (H) LABOR & COMMERCE at 03:15 PM BARNES 124
Min (H) Minutes (HL&C)
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