Journal Benchmark dashboard

Go beyond citations and discover your journals’ real-world impact

In a highly competitive publishing landscape, assessing your journal performance and informing strategic decisions at speed is a must. 

The Journal Benchmark dashboard can help you do just that. With a visual and shareable dashboard, you can easily share your success with key stakeholders, benchmark your journal performance against competitors, and track the real-world impact of your publications, thanks to a blend of Altmetric and Dimensions data. 

Publishers can easily:

  • Inform strategy with access to the right metrics and context 
  • Gain an overview of performance within a subject area, compared to other journals
  • Make evidence-based acquisition decisions

And much more…

Go beyond traditional metrics and demonstrate the success of your marketing campaigns and editorial strategies. With access to metrics such as subject areas, topics, geographies, etc. you can quickly and easily achieve the full picture of your journals’ performance. 

Create customized reports to showcase the full picture of your journals’ performance and demonstrate value to stakeholders. 

Level up your journal game by identifying your strengths, spotting where you can grow, and seizing new business opportunities quickly and easily. Say goodbye to lengthy data analysis and hello to saving time and resources.

When it comes to acquisitions, effortlessly test out different scenarios to see how they’ll impact your portfolio, giving you the edge in decision-making.

Identify the best authors, reviewers and editorial board members
Uncover rising star KOLs in your therapeutic area

Prove and measure your journals’ success today

Get in touch with our friendly team at Altmetric to request a demo of the Journal Benchmark Dashboard today.