
Army Sexual Harassment/Assault Response & Prevention

DoD Safe Helpline - Sexual Assault Support for the DoD Community

Safe Helpline App




Reporting Sexual Assault

Call the 24/7 Sexual Assault Crisis Hotline 210-808-7272 and/or
You may choose to go to the SHARP Advocacy Center: 

Army SHARP at JBSA-Fort Sam Houston:
3555 Patch Road, BLDG R212, rooms 3 & 7

If you have been sexually assaulted or think you may have been:

Go to a safe location.

Contact your local Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC), or military healthcare personnel.  You may also contact your chain of command or law enforcement (military or civilian), however if you do, an investigation will occur and you will not have the option of making a Restricted Report.

Seek medical care as soon as possible. Even if you do not have any visible physical injuries, you may be at risk of becoming pregnant or acquiring a sexually transmitted disease.

Preserve all evidence of the assault.  Do not bathe, wash your hands or brush your teeth.  Do not clean or straighten up the crime scene.


Unrestricted Reporting– allows a sexual assault victim to disclose the details of his or her assault and receive medical treatment and counseling; Law enforcement will be notified. Unrestricted reporting is the same reporting option for any other crime reported in the military. The commander and first sergeant are notified to ensure the well-being of the service member and of a probable investigation. The SAPR office is still involved and provides all services requested. These services will continue through any legal processes.

Restricted Reporting– allows a sexual assault victim to confidentially disclose the details of his or her assault and receive medical treatment and counseling; no investigation is initiated and the victim's command is not notified. A restricted report is between the survivor and the SARC, and all of the services offered by the SAPR Office are available.

Independent Reporting is an assault reported by someone other than the victim.


Sexual Assault is defined Intentional sexual contact characterized by the use of force, threats, intimidation, abuse of authority or when the victim does not or cannot consent. It includes a broad category of sexual offenses consisting of the following specific offenses under the Uniform Code of Military Justice: rape, sexual assault, aggravated sexual contact, abusive sexual contact, forcible sodomy (forced oral or anal sex), or attempts to commit these offenses. Sexual assault can occur without regard to gender or spousal relationship or age of victim.

Consent shall not be deemed or construed to mean the failure by the victim to offer physical resistance. Consent is not given when a person uses force, threat of force, coercion or when the victim is asleep, incapacitated, or unconscious

Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention (SHARP) Program


The Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention (SHARP) Program Office directs the Army’s efforts in the prevention of and response to sexual harassment, sexual assault, and associated retaliatory behaviors. It integrates Army SHARP policy and ensures effective communications with internal and external stakeholders.