Lizzie Askew

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i honestly don't know

3 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars
3 out of 5 stars

Reviewed: 06-28-24

these stories are like garden paths but very slow burn at the same time. they are slowly burning garden paths that lead to a concrete wall. i don't like this book the way I've liked his others. not sure whose fault that even is, but there ya go.

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3 out of 5 stars
3 out of 5 stars
3 out of 5 stars

Reviewed: 07-13-21

Lots of these stories are kind of not my thing, and i think that must lead me to see their flaws more easily. And it's also easy to dislike a story when you can hear grammatical mistakes in the audio version. BUT, the final story in the anthology, by the author who is listed first in the blurb, was really fun. The audio narrator seemed to get on board with that one too, though his reading was not great throughout.

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Not usually my thing...

5 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars

Reviewed: 07-11-21

But i listened to all of the Farseer books to this one and, man, this author is so consistent that i can't help but love these books.

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Not for me

3 out of 5 stars

Reviewed: 06-18-21

Everything that Ender does and thinks in this book is so utterly tactical. Same with the other characters. I found it dour and annoying.

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5 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars

Reviewed: 01-06-21

This guy is good. The stories are the perfect length and each one of them is amazing.

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Great prose and characters

5 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars

Reviewed: 12-19-20

While this one has a couple moments of "body horror" that made my skin crawl, the writing is very solid and the characters are super relatable. Great horror short that may help you understand your older relatives a little better.

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2 out of 5 stars
4 out of 5 stars
2 out of 5 stars

Reviewed: 09-08-20

So soppy, with everyone just dying to jump in front of a bus for one another and lots of unconvincing talk about "the greatest love of all". So melodramatic and cheesy. So much divisive maneuvering to justify the plot. So much of the character constantly questioning herself out loud on the page to tell you what's going on. So much sterilely academic and repetitive language. And so much privilege heaped upon one family that it feels beyond excessive and silly.

I was able to get through the first book and still basically like it for what it was, but reading through the series was kind of tough. I almost quit a few times, and would have if I didn't have so much downtime lately and if that second book hadn't been dominated by Jacob, who was not nearly as condescending and humorless as Edward. The series and this book in particular left me with the word "Ew" in my mouth. Now I know. And now I want to go read Steinbeck or something to make myself feel less dumb for having invested this much time in Barbie vampires.

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I wanted to hate it, but...

4 out of 5 stars
4 out of 5 stars
4 out of 5 stars

Reviewed: 09-04-20

While the Twilight series isn't what I'd call 'perfect', it has some obvious strengths that make it worthwhile.

The plot is the main strength, imo. It's very coherent. The author never leaves you wondering about unanswered questions unless it serves a purpose for some question to remain unanswered, and she always ties things up for you by the end. She never leaves you wondering where or when her characters are or who is talking. She never leaves you wondering where she's going with this. She doesn't over-describe nonessential details. She stays on plot, and it's clear in all of the books in this series that she planned for each story to move toward a predetermined but surprising ending, each time. She pulls it off, for sure, and she always makes you Want something for her characters!

I don't think these stories are necessarily the kind of works you'd think of when you think of great literature. As far as I can tell, they weren't internally consistent in terms of theme, and I stumbled over a bit of awkward and repetitive wording here and there. I also felt like the narration made Edward feel more condescending than he maybe should have, which could have been a deal-breaker. Still, I appreciate how solidly plotted the Twilight books are as their plot is incredibly enticing.

As she was a new author when she wrote this, I think a reader could do FAR worse than to pick up a Stephenie Meyer. She has always had talent it seems, and I hope she branches out and writes some new stuff. I'd enjoy watching her grow.

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Very Well-Written Historic Mystery, Oddball Ending

4 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars
4 out of 5 stars

Reviewed: 08-22-20

The positive things I have to say about this book are many, but I'll just name a few highlights here. Kim Wilkins' style is incredibly competent. She has this great way with pacing, and her characters always feel so realistic that all the paranormal and complicated situations they find themselves in feel much more believable than they might from another author. And the story -- it's really something. The way it moves back and forth between the reading of an ancient diary and the main character's path of finding out who she is and what happened to her grandmother...just very mysterious, interesting, exciting, and enthralling.

But after the story was over, I had to ask myself what the overall point of it was. But that's because it didn't end in the usual way of fantasy or romance novels. The main character didn't get what she wanted in the end, which I think will leave a lot of readers feeling dissatisfied. Thing is though, it seems like we're supposed to understand that she got what she *needed* instead, which really isn't unusual at all. It's just that what she needed was to get absolutely nothing that she wanted in the beginning other than a very short break from her real life, where she had little independence and no idea what path she wanted to take into adulthood.

It felt like, because the main character was this affluent person with all the privilege she could want, she was supposed to learn that she should just be satisfied with what she has because she could lose it. Besides, she's youthfully naive and makes poor decisions anyway and is a bit too noncommittal in general. SO she should accept having her family and husband make her decisions for her. And hey, in the end, she gets the 'freedom' to decide what kind of career she wants for herself, so...happy ending!?

What IS the theme here? What's the author's point?

Am I to understand that she isn't going to be satisfied with anything no matter what she ends up doing because she's 'spoiled'? Or is it a cautionary tale about how leaving a life of privilege behind to chase down your passions can end horribly and in destitution? Not sure. Be happy with what you've got? The grass is always greener? Things could be worse? A boring life with lots of money is better than an exciting life with just enough money? Making poor decisions in your youth can destroy your future? Who knows, though none of these themes renders the ending terribly enlightening or elating, especially for a character who has just experienced the supernatural.

I can't help but wonder if the author was punishing the main character for 'having it all'.

This is an enthralling story well-told by a very smart author, but the ending left me deflated and I'm not sure what the thematic point was supposed to be. And also, all the unanswered questions left by the theme detracted from the supernatural action scenes toward the end, making them feel somehow unimportant. The main character didn't really change, either. Not emotionally, at least. She didn't really mature. She didn't become less shallow. None of that. She just learned to accept the very life she wanted to escape after losing the option to have a more exciting one.

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5 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars

Reviewed: 08-14-20

Every one of these stories is a heavy dose of mythological fantasy in a fully realized and believable setting. I feel unequal to the task of writing a proper review for such a bumper crop of Awesome stories, but I'll have to try.

This collection of novellas contains stories of what I think must be the perfect length. They aren't long enough for things to get overly drawn-out or boring or whatever, but they are long enough to really get into the characters' perspectives, get into their heads and their strange, long-buried lives. After reading this, I feel like I have a more intimate understanding of pre-American, western history, and I definitely feel like I've found a new favorite author.

The skill of this author is apparent in how she can keep a story always moving forward, but without ever making the reader feel like they're missing anything important about her setting, her characters, or anything else. She has this cadence that is like an in-person storyteller, which lends itself well to audio.

If you've been looking for something solid and professional in the myth and fantasy genres, grab this one, for sure.

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