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(Metro Creative Services)
(Metro Creative Services)

Addiction recovery

I applaud the Herald for publishing the exceptional and informative letter by Dr. Myles Jen Kin highlighting the sobering prevalence of alcohol addiction and reminding everyone that meaningful help is readily available (“Alcohol addiction,” June 24).

Addiction is a thief of life, and those in its throes suffer significant direct and collateral damage, from loss of jobs, relationships, family, and opportunities, to loss of self-dignity, self-respect, and self-love. Death, the ultimate loss, is not an uncommon result. And unfortunately, addiction does not discriminate.

Fortunately, neither does recovery. It’s available to anyone who genuinely wants it. Active recovery restores much of what was lost through active addiction. No, the journey of recovery isn’t an easy one. But it is a journey very much worth making. Because it’s a journey towards a better life.

For those interested in making the journey, I recommend SMART Recovery, the leading alternative to traditional 12 Step programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous. SMART vigorously promotes a secular message of self-empowerment and self-management, and its tool-driven program consistently and reliably delivers results for individuals seeking to rise up and meet the possibilities of their own life through committed, sustained recovery. I’ve seen firsthand its ability to move lives forward. One of those lives is my own.

One need not be in recovery to take up arms against the scourge of addiction. Whether we realize it or not, everyone has a stake in this fight. Addiction diminishes lives and weakens communities. A weakened community diminishes us all.

Michael J. DiStefano

Jamestown, RI

Texas trip

Of course Governor Healey sending staff to Texas without speaking to Texas Governor Abbott is a political stunt. Gov. Abbott didn’t open the border. Healey should be sending herself and her staff to the White House, as this is where the problem originated with Biden rescinding former President Trump‘s orders. Biden told everyone that he was going to open the border. And yet Gov. Healey endorsed and voted for Biden. Healey’s solution is to play politics, and give lip service by saying we have no more room.

As the saying goes, if you’re not part of the solution then you are part of the problem, The good news governor, is that Trump will soon be president and you can go back and file more lawsuits against him while he’s cleaning  up the swamp/country.

Mark Howland


Convention center name

Joe Battenfeld’s  (“Why Menino?” ) column was right on!  I remember Jean McGuire way back when I was teaching and she was working with the METCO program. She was instrumental in sending students to our school, and it was a win-win situation for everyone involved.  She did so much for all of us in this one school; her influence on the city was incredible.  Let that positive, life-changing influence live on!

Susan K. Walsh

North Andover


Editorial cartoon by Gary Varvel (Creators Syndicate)
Editorial cartoon by Gary Varvel (Creators Syndicate)