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Find out more about British Swimming's safeguarding policy and procedures.

The British Swimming Safeguarding Policy can be viewed and downloaded here. 

The Safeguarding Adults at Risk Policy is located here.

Other British Swimming policy documents are available on the Policy Documents page of the About Us section.

What to do if you have a Safeguarding concern

If you think a child or young person is at risk of significant harm or abuse, or require urgent protection, call the police on 999 and/or your local Social Services.

If the matter is not immediate, please speak to the person immediately responsible for safeguarding and contact Adam Clarke by calling 07825 768858 or Sarah Kennedy on 07788 204996.

In either circumstance, please also complete the safeguarding referral formThis should be used to record the details of any concern that is raised. A copy should be sent to Adam Clarke ([email protected]) and / or Sarah Kennedy ([email protected]). 

British Swimming will work with all relevant parties including any statutory agencies in order to manage or address the concern(s).  All safeguarding concerns are treated with confidentiality and information is only shared on a need-to-know basis.

The relevant safeguarding, wellbeing and protection policies for our Home Nations partners can be found below. 

Swim England Child Safeguarding - Wavepower 2020-23

Scottish Swimming Wellbeing and Protection Policies

Swim Wales Safeguarding Policy

* British Swimming supported and worked with Swim England on a welfare and safeguarding update here (April 2021).