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Lawsuit Database




Explore Lawsuits

Findings from the Database (December 2020)

In December 2020, we launched our Lawsuit Database which includes all lawsuits we have profiled to date. These lawsuit profiles are but a small sample of the numerous lawsuits brought against companies in an effort to hold them legally accountable for human rights abuses. They have been selected based on multiple factors including the salience of the alleged abuse, the relevance and nature of the litigation strategy, and the potential for setting legal precedent.

Our database provides a glimpse into trends for litigating corporate human rights harm around the world. Here’s a brief look into what our database tells us:


Lawsuits against companies for human rights abuses profiled

selected based on the salience of the alleged abuse and litigation strategy used


of cases were brought against mining or oil & gas companies

making the extractives sector the most prevalent in the database


cases were filed by workers or affected community members

(including Indigenous peoples and ethnic groups)

1 in 2

cases were filed in a different country from where the harm occurred

meaning victims are using transnational litigation to pursue justice

Further Resources


Read our methodology to understand the information our database captures.

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