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Organizations with Current Workforce and Succession Plans

On February 23, 2017, CalHR issued a policy requiring California state organizations, agencies, commissions and boards that employ civil services employees to have workforce and succession plans and to report annually on the status of workforce planning and succession management efforts. The figures below represent the count of current plans.​

2022 WFP SP Count bars.png


​Summary of 2022 Annual Workforce and Succession Plan Survey Results

Summary of 2018 Annual Workforce and Succession Plan Survey Results
​Status ​Workforce Plan ​Succession Plan
​Complete 57 Organizations 49 Organizations
​Outdated 9 Organizations 7 Organization
​In Progress 41 Organizations 41​ Organizations
​Not Started ​8 Organizations ​18 Organizations
​No Response 10 Organizations ​10 Organizations


​​​See Your Organization​'s 2​0​​2​2​ Result​​​s​

​​​Workforce and succession plans help state organizations understand the workforce implications of current and future business operations so that strategies can be developed to proactively ensure a capable workforce is in place to perform the mission and achieve strategic objectives. CalHR analyzes organization workforce plans to identify workforce trends ​that could benefit from statewide solutions.  ​


2021 Annual Workforce and Succession Plan Survey Results

2020 Annual Workforce and Succession Plan Survey Results

2019 Annual Workforce and Succession Plan Survey Results 

2018 Annual Workforce and Succession Plan Survey Results 

2017 Annual Workforce and Succession Plan Survey Results ​​​

What We Track

  • Whether or not your organization has a workforce and/or succession plan.
  • Annual update(s) to your organization's workforce and/or succession plan.
  • Status of your organization's workforce and/or succession plan, if in development.

​How We Track

  • We will require your organization to complete an annual Workforce and Succession Plans Status survey.
  • We will follow up with organizations who indicated complete on their survey response that did not submit their plans.

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