Child Health Services

Child Health Services

Well Child Services: Providing infants and preschool children with well-child visits and childhood immunizations for families without a medical home. Follow-up includes education and home visits for high-risk infants and children to encourage healthy growth and development. Parents Anonymous group sessions are available. For more information, please call (856) 931-2700.

Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Management: Education, screening, and case management for children aged birth to six with elevated lead levels. For more information, please call (856) 739-6544.

NJ FamilyCare: NJ FamilyCare is a federally and state-funded health insurance program designed to assist New Jersey’s uninsured children and certain low-income parents and guardians in obtaining affordable health coverage. Eligibility is determined based on monthly income and family size. It is intended for families without accessible or affordable employer coverage who cannot afford the high cost of private health insurance. For local assistance or more information, call (856) 374-6363.

To reach local NJ FamilyCare Outreach Health Benefits Coordinators, call (866) 411-7782, prompt 3. NJ FamilyCare toll-free number: 1-800-701-0710 or visit


Special Child Health Programs

Connecting families of children with special needs or developmental delays to necessary services. Contact a case management representative at (856) 374-6021 for more information.

Camden County Public Health Nurse Case Managers:

April De Vera BSN RN
[email protected]

Justine Kuznecow BSN RN

Shannon Ashe BSN RN
[email protected]

Aldonna Kuchinsky BSN RN



Relief Fund Brochure

Autism Registry Information

NJ Special Child Health Services

Camden County Special Child Health Services