House Publications

113th General Assembly

House Journal
The House Journal is the official record of business transacted each day the House is in official floor Session. This version is a working, unofficial record of the proceedings of the House for the current year. It will become the official record once proofing has been completed. Included in this publication are Biographical sketches of Members, a seating chart of the Members on the House floor, Organizational days of House Sessions, Regular days of House Sessions, Joint Conventions of the House and Senate, Committee appointments, motions, adopted amendment text, the identity of members making motions, and records of passage of bills on third and final consideration.
The 113th Permanent Rules of Order
The 113th Permanent Rules of Order 1st Extraordinary Session
Legislative Manual
Contains information on House procedures and motions, listings of legislative staff agencies, the Tennessee Constitution, House member state office phone directory and state office addresses, legislative definitions, registered lobbyists list and much more.
The House Chamber Book
An informational booklet including pictures, short biographies, state office phone numbers and state office addresses of the members of the House of Representatives of the 110th General Assembly. The Committee Schedule and Standing Committee Assignments are listed in this book. This publication also contains pictures of the House Officers and Constitutional Officers and a brief description of the functions and duties of their offices.A seating chart is included, as well as a brief description and history of the House Chamber.
The House Weekly Calendar
A publication produced by the House Clerk's Office each Thursday when the House is in session. This publication contains the House's schedule for the upcoming week and the agenda for each Committee and Sub Committee meeting during that week.
Seniority Listing
Seniority listing for house members.
House Coloring Book
A coloring book from the House of Representatives includes pictures and descriptions of the state bird, insect, flag, and more.

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