Prevent Group B Strep App for Obstetric Providers

Key points

  • The "Prevent Group B Strep" app is designed for obstetric care providers.
  • This app provides patient- and scenario-specific guidance to prevent GBS disease.
  • Mobile and web versions are available and free to use.
Prevent GBS Application home screen

Get the app

Download the mobile app

Download Prevent Group B Strep on your mobile device:

Use the web version

The web version of Prevent Group B Strep requires an internet connection through a mobile device or computer. When using it on a computer, adjust the screen size to look like a smartphone for a better user experience.

Web version

The app does not collect personal information‎

The app does not request, collect, or store any personal identifying information.

About the app


Point of care guidance

The Prevent Group B Strep app provides patient- and scenario-specific guidance based on user input of patient characteristics. The guidance is consistent with the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists 2019 Committee Opinion.

Developed by experts

The app was developed in collaboration with and endorsed by experts in obstetric care in

  • American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
  • American College of Nurse-Midwives
  • CDC

Intended users

Designed for obstetric care providers, including:

  • Obstetricians
  • Nurse-midwives
  • Family practitioners

Usage guidelines

Use the app to:

  • Answer questions about an obstetric patient.
  • Receive specific patient management guidance based on the scenario entered.
  • Obtain appropriate antibiotic regimens for patients requiring intrapartum prophylaxis.

User feedback is encouraged‎

If you have suggestions for improving the app, please e-mail [email protected].