Alternative Manure Management Program

Alternative Manure Management Program (AMMP)

CDFA’s Alternative Manure Management Program (AMMP) provides financial assistance for the implementation of non-digester manure management practices in California, which will result in reduced greenhouse gas emissions.

Program Timeline for AMMP*

Item Estimated Time Frame*
Application Period Open July 23, 2024
Application Period Closed October 18, 2024
Review Process October 2024 - January 2025
Award Announcement February - March 2025
Grant Term for 2024 Projects Begins June 2025

(*Subject to change)

Learn more about some of our AMMP projects in the program videos below:



CDFA’s Alternative Manure Management Program (AMMP) provides financial assistance for the implementation of non-digester manure management practices in California, which will result in reduced greenhouse gas emissions.

Alternative manure management practices involve handling and storing manure in ways that don't include use of an anaerobic digester, and support management of manure in a dry form. Currently, eligible practices for funding through AMMP include: pasture-based management; alternative manure treatment and storage (such as compost bedded pack barns); and solid separation or conversion from flush to scrape in conjunction with some form of drying or composting of collected manure.

CDFA has received funding from the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (California Climate Investments) as well as the State’s General Fund for methane emissions reductions from dairy and livestock operations.

AMMP Demonstration Projects funds two types of projects:

  1. AMMP Demonstration Projects – New Technologies and Practices will fund projects that demonstrate to a wide audience innovation in the implementation of diverse manure management practices that reduce methane emissions and maximize environmental co-benefits on California dairy and livestock operations.
  2. AMMP Demonstration Projects – Advancing Practices Farmer-To-Farmer will fund projects that demonstrate through farmer-to-farmer outreach, the manure management practices that reduce methane emissions and maximize environmental co-benefits on California dairy and livestock operations.

More information can be found on the AMMP Demonstration Project page.

If you have questions about CDFA's alternative manure management and dairy methane reduction programs, please email [email protected].

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Program Status

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Program is currently accepting applications.

Recipient Resources