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  • 2020
  • 2010
  • 2000

National Geographic Tallies

The tallies in this table are for the 50 states and the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the Island Areas (American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands). 

Total counts for the high-level categories including American Indian Areas/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian Areas and Places are provided, as well as counts for the component geographic entity types. For additional subcategories and geographic entity counts, please refer to the table 2020 Census Geographic Entity Tallies by State and Type listed below. 


Geographic Entities Vereinigte Staaten Puerto Rico Island Areas Total
American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian Areas 704 0 0 704
     Reservations & Off-Reservation Trust Lands (Federal) 324
0 0 324
     American Indian Joint-Use Areas 3 0 0 3
     Hawaiian Home Lands 75 0 0 75
     Oklahoma Tribal Statistical Areas 25 0 0 25
     Joint-Use Oklahoma Tribal Statistical Areas 4 0 0 4
     Alaska Native Village Statistical Areas 221 0 0 221
     Tribal Designated Statistical Areas 7 0 0 7
     Reservations (State) 10 0 0 10
     State Designated Tribal Statistical Areas 35 0 0 35
Alaska Native Regional Corporations 12 0 0 12
Tribal Subdivisions 484 0 0 484
Tribal Tracts 492 0 0 492
Tribal Block Groups 934 0 0 934
Block Groups 239,780 2,555 412
Census Blocks 8,132,968 41,987 5,911 8,180,866
Census Tracts 84,414 981 133 85,528
Counties & Equivalents 3,143 78
13 3,234
County Subdivisions 35,629 939 71 36,639
Consolidated Cities 8
0 0 8
Places 31,617 292 279 32,188
     Incorporated Places 19,519 0 215 19,734
     Census Designated Places 12,098
292 64 12,454
Metropolitan and Micropolitan Statistical Areas and Related Statistical Areas
     Metropolitan Statistical Areas 384 8
0 392
     Micropolitan Statistical Areas 543 4
0 547
     Metropolitan Divisions 31
0 31
     Combined Statistical Areas 172 3 0 175
     Metropolitan New England City and Town Areas (NECTAs) 21 0 0 21
     Micropolitan New England City and Town Areas (NECTAs) 19
0 0 19
     New England City and Town Area (NECTA) Divisions 11
0 0 11
     Combined New England City and Town Areas (CNETCAs) 7
0 0 7
Congressional Districts 4361 1 4 441
State Legislative Districts
     Upper 1,952 9 0 1,961
     Lower 4,792 41 0 4,833
Voting Districts 157,027 1417 0 158,444
School Districts 13,287 1 4 13,292
     Elementary 1,945 0 0 1,945
     Secondary 473
0 0 473
     Unified 10,869 1 4 10,874
ZIP Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTAs) 33,642 132 17 33,791
Regions 4 1 1 52
Divisions 9 1 1 102
States & Equivalents 51 1 4 56

1 There are 435 Congressional Districts and 1 Delegate at Large (DC).
2 This total includes the United States and the single Region/Division that encompasses Puerto Rico and the Island Areas.



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2020 Census Geographic Entity Tallies by State and Type

The 2020 Census Geographic Entities by State and Type tallies provide a comprehensive view of the numbers of each type of geographic entity, by state, for which the Census Bureau tabulates decennial census and other statistical data.

How to Read this Table

Information in the table is organized by high-level geographic entity type (for example, American Indian and Alaska Native area, County Subdivisions, Places). High-level categories are then subdivided into additional categories, depending on the amount of variety in the kinds of geographic entities within the category. For example, "Places" is subdivided into "Incorporated Places" and "Census Designated Places." The Incorporated Place category is further subdivided between those that have active governments, inactive governments, and those that do not have governmental functions. Within each of these categories, the chart lists the number of entities by legal status—for example, city, town, village, borough, and so forth.

Please note that the categories and subcategories shown on this chart represent the full range of geographic entity types within the Census Bureau's geographic database. Not all geographic entity types exist in each state.

The national totals on this chart do not necessarily equal the sum of the state totals. Some geographic areas cross state boundaries and so a single geographic area can be counted in more than one state. Therefore, it is expected that the sum of the state totals would be larger than national tallies for these columns.

Census Block Tallies by State or State Equivalent


FIPS State Code Name Number of 2020 Census Blocks Number of 2010 Census Blocks Numerical Change, 2010-2020 Percent Change, 2010-2020
01 Alabama 185,976 252,266 -66,290 -26.3
02 Alaska 28,568 45,292 -16,724 -36.9
04 Arizona 155,444 241,666 -86,222 -35.7
05 Arkansas 136,422 186,211 -49,789 -26.7
06 California 519,723 710,145 -190,422 -26.8
08 Colorado 140,345 201,062 -60,717 -30.2
09 Connecticut 49,926 67,578 -17,652 -26.1
10 Delaware 20,198 24,115 -3,917 -16.2
11 District of Columbia 6,012 6,507 -495 -7.6
12 Florida 390,066 484,481 -94,415 -19.5
13 Georgien 232,717 291,086 -58,369 -20.1
15 Hawaii 14,732 25,016 -10,284 -41.1
16 Idaho 81,879 149,842 -67,963 -45.4
17 Illinois 369,978 451,554 -81,576 -18.1
18 Indiana 204,568 267,071 -62,503 -23.4
19 Iowa 175,199 216,007 -40,808 -18.9
20 Kansas 172,529 238,600 -66,071 -27.7
21 Kentucky 132,662 161,672 -29,010 -17.9
22 Louisiana 142,874 204,447 -61,573 -30.1
23 Maine 47,138 69,518 -22,380 -32.2
24 Maryland 83,827 145,247 -61,420 -42.3
25 Massachusetts 107,278 157,508 -50,230 -31.9
26 Michigan 254,730 329,885 -75,155 -22.8
27 Minnesota 198,705 259,777 -61,072 -23.5
28 Mississippi 112,241 171,778 -59,537 -34.7
29 Missouri 253,632 343,565 -89,933 -26.2
30 Montana 88,417 132,288 -43,871 -33.2
31 Nebraska 119,103 193,352 -74,249 -38.4
32 Nevada 57,409 84,538 -27,129 -32.1
33 New Hampshire 31,948 48,837 -16,889 -34.6
34 New Jersey 137,972 169,588 -31,616 -18.6
35 New Mexico 107,215 168,609 -61,394 -36.4
36 New York 288,819 350,169 -61,350 -17.5
37 North Carolina 236,638 288,987 -52,349 -18.1
38 North Dakota 84,566 133,769 -49,203 -36.8
39 Ohio 276,428 365,344 -88,916 -24.3
40 Oklahoma 180,154 269,118 -88,964 -33.1
41 Oregon 130,807 196,621 -65,814 -33.5
42 Pennsylvania 336,985 421,545 -84,560 -20.1
44 Rhode Island 25,649 25,181 468 1.9
45 South Carolina 146,844 181,908 -35,064 -19.3
46 South Dakota 71,383 88,360 -16,977 -19.2
47 Tennessee 179,717 240,116 -60,399 -25.2
48 Texas 668,757 914,231 -245,474 -26.9
49 Utah 71,207 115,406 -44,199 -38.3
50 Vermont 24,611 32,580 -7,969 -24.5
51 Virginia 163,491 285,762 -122,271 -42.8
53 Washington 158,093 195,574 -37,481 -19.2
54 West Virginia 72,558 135,218 -62,660 -46.3
55 Wisconsin 203,059 253,096 -50,037 -19.8
56 Wyoming 53,769 86,204 -32,435 -37.6
  UNITED STATES 8,132,968 11,078,297 -2,945,329 -26.6
72 Puerto Rico 41,987 77,189 -35,202 -45.6
  UNITED STATES AND PUERTO RICO 8,174,955 11,155,486 -2,980,531 -26.7
60 Amerikanisch-Samoa 565 832 -267 -32.1
66 Guam 1,816 3,739 -1,923 -51.4
69 Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands 873 1,444 -571 -39.5
78 United States Virgin Islands 2,657 4,835 -2,178 -45
  ISLAND AREAS 5,911 10,850 -4,939 -45.5
  UNITED STATES, PUERTO RICO, AND THE ISLAND AREAS 8,180,866 11,166,336 -2,985,470 -26.7


2020 Census Tallies of Census Tracts, Block Groups & Blocks

FIPS State Code Name Census Tracts Census Tracts
(water only)
Block Groups Block Groups
(water only)
Blocks Blocks
(water only)
01 Alabama 1,437 2 3,925 2 185,976 5,997
02 Alaska 177 0 504 0 28,568 8,953
04 Arizona 1,765 0 4,773 0 155,444 1,235
05 Arkansas 823 0 2,294 0 136,422 6,178
06 California 9,129 22 25,607 23 519,723 7,904
08 Colorado 1,447 0 4,058 0 140,345 1,293
09 Connecticut 883 4 2,716 5 49,926 1,568
10 Delaware 262 3 706 3 20,198 607
11 District of Columbia 206 0 571 0 6,012 104
12 Florida 5,160 46 13,388 46 390,066 14,553
13 Georgien 2,796 5 7,446 5 232,717 5,994
15 Hawaii 461 25 1,083 25 14,732 949
16 Idaho 456 0 1,284 0 81,879 3,227
17 Illinois 3,265 2 9,898 2 369,978 6,654
18 Indiana 1,696 3 5,290 3 204,568 3,609
19 Iowa 896 0 2,703 0 175,199 3,063
20 Kansas 829 0 2,461 0 172,529 3,210
21 Kentucky 1,306 0 3,581 26 132,662 6,809
22 Louisiana 1,388 12 4,294 12 142,874 7,909
23 Maine 407 7 1,184 7 47,138 3,959
24 Maryland 1,475 12 4,079 12 83,827 4,198
25 Massachusetts 1,620 7 5,116 7 107,278 4,751
26 Michigan 3,017 46 8,386 46 254,730 10,332
27 Minnesota 1,505 3 4,706 3 198,705 8,425
28 Mississippi 878 3 2,445 3 112,241 2,890
29 Missouri 1,654 0 5,031 0 253,632 8,230
30 Montana 319 0 900 0 88,417 2,833
31 Nebraska 553 0 1,648 0 119,103 880
32 Nevada 779 4 1,963 4 57,409 349
33 New Hampshire 350 1 997 1 31,948 1,450
34 New Jersey 2,181 6 6,599 15 137,972 4,965
35 New Mexico 612 0 1,614 0 107,215 1,368
36 New York 5,411 18 16,070 236 288,819 7,660
37 North Carolina 2,672 12 7,111 28 236,638 7,013
38 North Dakota 228 0 632 0 84,566 2,123
39 Ohio 3,168 6 9,472 6 276,428 6,135
40 Oklahoma 1,205 0 3,374 0 180,154 4,994
41 Oregon 1,001 7 2,970 7 130,807 2,771
42 Pennsylvania 3,446 1 10,173 2 336,985 7,097
44 Rhode Island 250 3 792 3 25,649 818
45 South Carolina 1,323 6 3,408 15 146,844 4,411
46 South Dakota 242 0 694 0 71,383 1,524
47 Tennessee 1,701 0 4,562 0 179,717 3,165
48 Texas 6,896 13 18,638 13 668,757 13,636
49 Utah 716 0 2,020 1 71,207 324
50 Vermont 193 0 552 0 24,611 1,755
51 Virginia 2,198 12 5,963 12 163,491 7,599
53 Washington 1,784 12 5,311 12 158,093 8,277
54 West Virginia 546 0 1,639 0 72,558 3,550
55 Wisconsin 1,542 16 4,692 16 203,059 9,680
56 Wyoming 160 0 457 0 53,769 888
  UNITED STATES 84,414 319 239,780 601 8,132,968 237,866
72 Puerto Rico 981 42 2,555 42 41,987 1,361
  UNITED STATES AND PUERTO RICO 85,395 361 242,335 643 8,174,955 239,227
60 Amerikanisch-Samoa 18 0 43 0 565 143
66 Guam 57 1 219 1 1,816 71
69 Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands 26 3 58 3 873 59
78 United States Virgin Islands 32 3 92 3 2,657 345
  ISLAND AREAS 133 7 412 7 5,911 618
  UNITED STATES, PUERTO RICO, AND THE ISLAND AREAS 85,528 368 242,747 650 8,180,866 239,845

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Page Last Revised - July 18, 2022
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