Denver Public Schools

'We really dedicated ourselves to the quality of daily instruction,' Principal Chris DeRemer said. “It’s not that fancy.”

The new public comment limits would restrict the topics speakers could talk about to those on the board’s meeting agenda.

The superintendent is expected to make school closure recommendations on Nov. 7 and the school board is set to vote on them Nov. 21.

Monday was the first day of school for more than 89,000 students in Denver Public Schools, Colorado’s largest district.

The change likely leaves less time for district officials to meet with students and families at schools recommended for closure.

A nivel estatal, siguen existiendo brechas, especialmente entre estudiantes en familias con bajos ingresos y aquellos que están aprendiendo inglés como segundo idioma.

The bond measure would pay for air conditioning, safety upgrades, theater and athletic facilities, a new school, technology, and more.

The new matrix will go into effect this school year. The previous one came under scrutiny after a shooting inside Denver’s East High School.

Statewide, gaps remain especially among students from low income families and those who are learning English as a new language.

But another troubling trend remains: The percentage of K-3 students reading significantly below grade level jumped up and has stayed up.

The teachers will have their rent covered for a year starting in August.

Air conditioning, high school theater upgrades, and a new school in far northeast Denver are among the projects being recommended.

Los estudiantes que califican para obtener comidas escolares subsidiadas, un indicador de pobreza, también tienen mayor probabilidad de asistir a escuelas con menos estudiantes inscritos.

The policy says the superintendent should recommend schools identified for closure or consolidation by October, and the board should vote “no later than November.”

The new matrix comes more than a year after a shooting inside East High School and following state findings that DPS disproportionately suspends Black students with disabilities.

The analysis of the state’s 10 largest school districts focused on how many sources hadn’t been fixed about a year after they were identified as having high lead levels.

That’s according to a new report released as the Denver school board debates a new school closure policy.

Director Patricia Hurrieta will be tasked with carrying out the recommendations in a new report about the barriers and opportunities that Latino students face.

“At some point, all of us as board members are highly conscious of the fact that we’re going to have to close schools, we’re going to have to consolidate schools,” one board member said.