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Chicago Tribune

Ron Cey wants to have words with the manager.

Right away.

As soon as he reports to spring training in a few weeks, the Cubs` third baseman wants to talk to Jim Frey about the prospects of retaining his starting job and batting fourth or fifth instead of sixth or seventh.

”I`m going to sit down and talk to Jim about a few things when I get to spring training and hopefully find some answers through that conversation. I want to hash things over,” said Cey from his home in Woodland Hills, Calif.

Cey, who will be 38 on Feb. 15, slumped to .232 with 22 home runs and 63 runs batted in last season as the Cubs dropped to fourth in the National League East. Cey, who is signed through 1987, also committed 21 errors.

Still, Frey says Cey will go to camp in Mesa, Ariz., as the starting third baseman.

”Even with his advanced age and his limitations, it`s difficult to find a third baseman with the offensive production Cey can give you,” Frey said.

Frey acknowledges he will be quicker to make a change if Cey starts out slowly. With the acquisitions of infielder Manny Trillo and versatile, switch- hitting outfielder Jerry Mumphrey, Frey will have the option of using Trillo or right-fielder Keith Moreland at third.

”There were times last year when I felt like I was 73 instead of 37, but I personally feel we are better off with me in the lineup,” said Cey. ”I am still capable of having one of my typical seasons. I have every intention of being in the lineup every day.

”There may be situations where they might want to give somebody some playing time or give me a day off. I understand that. But last year, there were a lot of distractions that affected my play.

”I don`t know what their options are as far as what they want to do this season. I know a guy like Mumphrey can play all three outfield positions. He`s not just relegated to center field.

”Trillo will give some added support, along with Chris Speier, as far as playing a number of positions in the infield when it is necessary. But Manny is primarily a second baseman. I`m sure there will be times when (Ryne)

Sandberg will need days off. Trillo will be the perfect guy to go in there and do that job.”

Cey, who is defensive about his alleged defensive limitations, says he will feel no added pressure to get off to a good start.

”If people are going to be worried about my performance in spring training, well, there are probably only four people on our ballclub who really accomplished getting their job done last year,” said Cey. ”A ballclub is not going to falter on one man`s performance, nor are they going to win a pennant on one man`s performance. It`s got to be a team effort one way or the other.” Regarding his range, Cey mentioned an even older player. ”Graig Nettles doesn`t run any better than I do, and nobody seems to talk about his lack of range,” Cey said of the San Diego Padres` 41-year-old third baseman. ”It

(range) is something that is handed down to you and something you have to live with.

”Whenever I am done playing, I want the people of Chicago to remember me as a player who gave his all. Respect is the most important thing. I always pride myself as someone who gives it his best effort. Sometimes it doesn`t work out, but it doesn`t mean I`m not trying.”

Cey said he is working hard to stay in shape and plans to report to spring training earlier than the March 4 deadline.

”I take an aerobics class in the morning, then I lift weights. In the afternoon, I play about two hours of racquetball. I feel real good,” said Cey. ”I think March 4 is a little too late to report. I think that is just asking too much. We had so many injuries last year anyway. I plan to arrive there when the pitchers report on Feb. 24.”

With a healthy pitching staff, Cey says he feels the Cubs will return to the top.

”There is no reason to believe that the Cardinals aren`t going to be just as good as last year, and the Mets just as good and Montreal . . . our division is going to be tough. But we can stay right in the middle of things with our talent. We`ve got to find that cohesiveness we had two years ago. If we all constantly try to steal a base or hit home runs or pitch shutouts, we won`t make it. Everybody just has to try to do what he is capable of doing.

”I just hope this season is a lot better than last season . . . for everybody`s sake.”

Cubs` president Dallas Green would certainly go along with that. ”He didn`t give us the production for the money I gave him,” Green said of Cey.

”That doesn`t mean he`s washed up. He`s got a lot of pride, and everybody is entitled to an off-year. But Ronnie has his work cut out for him.”

Originally Published: