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Chicago Tribune

Gov. James Thompson Sunday proclaimed his two-week visit to the Far East

”probably the most successful trip Illinois has taken for investment and trade results.”

Thompson said the results of the trip should make themselves known beginning this spring as Asian companies decide whether to work Illinois into their plans for investment and expansion.

Shortly after Thompson`s flight arrived at O`Hare International Airport, he described the meetings he had with representatives of more than 100 companies during his first trip to Korea and a 4 1/2-day sweep of several Japanese cities. He traveled with 55 legislators, aides, Illinois city officials and advisers on Asian trade.

One of the more promising elements of the trip, the governor said, was his contact with auto parts manufacturers. He said that 80 percent of the parts in Japanese cars are supplied by independent companies, a situation that could lead to growth wherever Japanese automakers set up shop.

”Illinois has a good chance of becoming a substantial automotive supply state,” Thompson said, noting the state`s proximity to auto plants in Michigan, Tennessee and Kentucky and the development of the Chrysler-Mitsubishi plant in Bloomington-Normal, Ill.

”Our hope is that suppliers to Mitsubishi will follow it to Illinois,”

he said. ”The real jobs for a state are in the auto supply business.”

Although Korean cars are entering the American market for the first time, Thompson said that ”it`s far too early for speculation on Korean auto production in the United States.”

He added, however, that he spoke with auto executives as well as with electronics manufacturers in Korea and with Japanese steel, banking and trade representatives about increasing agricultural exports from Illinois and new investments in the state.

The Illinois entourage visited Seoul, South Korea, and Osaka, Nagoya and Tokyo, Japan, during the 13-day trade mission.

Thompson said he plans to accompany the Chicago Symphony Orchestra to Japan in March and to meet again with government and corporate officials to strenghten Illinois` ties with the nation.

He contends that his previous trips have generated about 5,000 jobs and $925 million worth of investments in Illinois.

Originally Published: