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Dear Dr. Johnson: I have suffered with heartburn for many years and am wondering whether or not a sleeping pill would help me get through the night. What do you recommend?

Heartburn is caused when the stomach contents back up inappropriately into the lower end of the food pipe, the esophagus. Many people who suffer from this problem are awakened at night because when they lie down, the stomach juices can flow up into the food pipe more easily. One of the standard ”solutions” for nighttime heartburn is to put 4- to 6-inch blocks of wood under the head of the bed, thereby allowing the individual to sleep on a slight incline and let gravity help keep food in the stomach.

The problem with sleeping pills is that while they may allow a person to sleep more soundly, they may also avoid the clearing of the food pipe that can occur when an individual awakens and gets up because of heartburn. Therefore, I would be reluctant to recommend sleeping pills and would rather attack the problem more directly. I should also point out that sleeping pills lose their effectiveness after several weeks and should never be used for a long period without consulting a physician.

Dear Dr. Johnson: Could you please give me the name of the new drug for glaucoma that is supposedly safer than previous eyedrops?

There are many kinds of eyedrop medications that can be used to treat glaucoma. However, in recent years eyedrops using so-called beta blocker drugs have been developed, and the most recent one that is getting a lot of attention is called betaxolol–trade name Betoptic.

This particular beta blocker is being touted as having fewer effects on the body–and cheaper than previous versions. It is important to note that even medication absorbed through the eye can affect the rest of the body, and Betoptic is being used in an attempt to minimize such bodywide effects.

Dear Dr. Johnson: Does ammonia production by bacteria have anything to do with diaper rash?

That has been a popular theory, but most experts believe that it is the moisture associated with wet diapers that actually is the major cause of diaper rash. Therefore, the basic approach to solving the problem is to keep the area as dry as possible.

Dear readers: Recent studies by population and contraception experts confirm what many of us have guessed instinctively–that a society that encourages heightened interest in sexuality and discourages the dissemination of human sexuality information including contraception will face the inevitable consequences.

The consequences here, of course, are an increased rate of unplanned and unwanted pregnancies. Data from Planned Parenthood indicates an increased teen-age pregnancy rate in this country as compared with other developed western countries in Europe.

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