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Chicago Tribune

The Bears, having conquered the National Football League, may join forces with the Dallas Cowboys to subjugate British sports fans. The NFL is planning a Bears-Cowboys exhibition for Aug. 3 at London`s Wembley Stadium.

Jack Donlan of the NFL Management Council and Gene Upshaw of the NFL Players Association will meet next week to discuss the particulars. Because the London game would be a fifth exhibition for each team, the owners need the union`s approval.

”It`s a no-money deal now,” Donlan said. ”But we would like to get a decent foothold in London. It could generate money down the road in television revenue.”

— Terry Bradshaw, who quarterbacked the Pittsburgh Steelers to four Super Bowl championships, and Charla Hopkins, a 23-year-old law student, were married Saturday night in Denton, Tex. It was Bradshaw`s third marriage.


Eldon Miller, fired by Ohio State earlier this month, has applied to become head basketball coach at Northern Iowa. Northern Iowa athletic director Bob Bowlsby said Miller would be interviewed. Northern Iowa coach Jim Berry will resign at the end of the season. Bowlsby said he talked to Miller about the job last Sunday.

— Marquette has graduated slightly more than 90 percent of its scholarship basketball players in the last 24 years. Ulice Payne, a 1978 graduate and now securities commissioner for the state of Wisconsin, thinks he knows why. Coach Hank Raymonds, now Marquette`s athletic director, ”would call you over, start talking to you with his hands on your shoulders, face to face, and the whole team knew what was going on. You were in trouble for not hitting the books or for blowing a test. The rest of the guys ribbed you about it: `Hank cracked you. Hank cracked you.` ”

— Michigan State guard Scott Skiles will be sentenced to 30 days in jail for violating probation but will be allowed to complete the basketball season. The Flint, Mich., Journal said a source close to Skiles` probation case in Plymouth, Ind., reported that Skiles` attorney, Charles Scruggs, and the Marshall County prosecutor`s office reached a tentative agreement in the probation case last Friday. The agreement must be approved by Marshall County Circuit Court Judge Michael D. Cook. ”When you find out what the agreement is, you`ll see why I`m not very happy,” Skiles said. Skiles violated probation for a drug charge when he was charged with drunken driving before the season. . . A little kindness came Skiles` way on Valentine`s Day, and from enemy quarters. Iowa coach George Raveling sent Skiles a heart-shaped box of candy and a card. ”Personally, I like the kid,” Raveling said. ”He`s had some misfortune.”

— Earl Kelley is through at Connecticut. He was declared academically ineligible Sunday. Kelley, a guard, scored 1,592 points for a 16.9 average at Connecticut.

— Maryland coach Lefty Driesell has lifted the suspensions of Len Bias, Jeff Baxter and John Johnson. They`ll be back on the court Monday. They were suspended for missing curfew after Thursday`s victory over North Carolina State.


Right-hander Mike Scott, scheduled for arbitration Monday in Chicago, agreed Sunday to a three-year contract with the Houston Astros. Scott led the team with an 18-8 record last season.

— The Minnesota Twins say 11 players have agreed to take part in a drug- testing program. Players who have signed contracts with a testing clause are John Butcher, Randy Bush, Pete Filson, Mike Smithson, Ron Washington, Charlie Mitchell, Ramon Romero, Eric Broersma, Tom Burns, Mark Davidson and Les Straker. Smithson, who agreed to a $450,000 contract Feb. 4, said: ”I think there has to be something done.”


Houston Rockets` center Akeem Olajuwon, who injured his right knee during Saturday night`s game against the Clippers in Los Angeles, left the team Sunday and returned to Houston. Coach Bill Fitch said: ”He just went home. He`s not with us.” Clippers` team physician Eugene Osher examined Olajuwon`s knee and said he suspected ligament damage.

— Sam Bowie, still troubled by pain in his bruised left leg, is out of the Portland Trail Blazers` lineup again. Bowie, a 7-foot-1-inch center, was injured Jan. 10 in Milwaukee and missed 13 games.

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