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Professionals in the Olympics would not threaten the Soviet Union, according to a contingent of Soviet track athletes in Chicago for Sunday`s Bally Invitational.

”We don`t object to the participation of professional sportsmen in the Olympics if the same conditions apply to them as to amateurs, such as doping control,” said interpreter Ludmilla Potanitch. ”It would probably make the Olympics more interesting.”

The possibility of removing restrictions on Olympic eligibility was raised Wednesday by International Olympic Committee president Juan Antonio Samaranch. Although the separate international federations governing each sport ultimately make their own determination of eligibility rules, the probable approval of Samaranch`s proposal by the IOC General Assembly in October could hasten the day of open competition.

Soviet track coach Vitali Petrov, pole vaulters Serguei and Vasily Bubka, long jumper Galina Christyakova and high jumper Rudolf Povarnitsin were asked for their reaction. After consulting for a few moments with Potanitch, the interpreter gave the answer.

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