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It`s difficult for staff members to describe the close ties and feeling of team spirit between parent, teacher and child at the Early Intervention program for developmentally delayed children at the Ray Graham Association in Elmhurst.

”You have to deal with the child as a whole,” said Fran Langille, education specialist and teacher at Ray Graham for the last seven years. Dealing with the child in such a holistic manner requires the involvement of the parents and teachers.

Jane Kaufman has just graduated from the early intervention program, for infants to 3-year-olds. When she came to Ray Graham, she had a slight lag in development and had been diagnosed as having a mild case of cerebral palsy.

”She needed an opportunity for speech therapy, physical therapy and the educational component for development,” Langille said. ”If she hadn`t had intervention, she may not be walking or talking by now. `She`ll outgrow it` is what some people say, but you cannot afford to take that chance, and with Janie it was a big success; she is walking, talking and has good social skills.”

Twins Vanessa and Viviana Martinez, 3, have been diagnosed as having Downs Syndrome. Both have had many health problems and have undergone open-heart surgery. They have been at Ray Graham for a year.

”They are both walking and have said a few words . . . they have done well,” Langille said.

Vanessa and Viviana are the first set of identical Downs Syndrome twins that have been to Ray Graham, and Langille said it is unusual for twins to both have Downs Syndrome and to have as many health problems as the twins have had.

An average of 35 children are enrolled in the 12-year-old program throughout the year. Funding for the program and the four full-time and two part-time staff members comes from the Illinois Department of Mental Health, United Way donations, the agency budget and tuition.

People who visit the center, Langille said, pick up on the ”feeling of closeness” among the staff and children. ”You become part of a family, and that is our philosophy; you need to work together as a team. The child is our main interest.”

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