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Chicago Tribune

President Reagan`s four children, actor Charlton Heston, evangelist Billy Graham, a gaggle of corporate titans and a handful of media moguls were named to the board of governors of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation Monday. The 102 governors, nominated by the trustees and approved by President Reagan and his wife, Nancy, will give advice on the direction, policy and conduct of the foundation.

The foundation was formed a year ago to raise funds for the design, construction and endowment of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, to be located on the campus of Stanford University, and the Center for Public Affairs to built on a site in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Those named to the board of governors include Reagan`s brother, Neil, and children Maureen, Ron, Michael, and Patricia Davis Grilley; Govs. George Deukmejian of California and Richard Thornburgh of Pennsylvania; Sens. Pete Wilson (R., Calif.), Barry Goldwater (R., Ariz.), and Paul Laxalt (R., Nev.); as well as numerous corporate chiefs.

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