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The primary contest for Cook County clerk is a hard-fought match between incumbent Stanley Kusper and County Commissioner Jeanne Quinn. A third combatant in the arena–Patrick Finley, 28, a wealthy Southwest Side options trader–is not saying much except to brag that he is spending a lot of money on the campaign.

It`s not hard to choose among the candidates. The Tribune editorial board endorses Commissioner Quinn, who offers Cook County a chance to put this office under an independent-minded individual–one who promises to run it without business or political strings attached.

Mr. Kusper cannot be accused of lacking ability. He is a skillful administrator who has tightened up and modernized the operations of his office, most notably in computerizing election returns. There have been scandals in his office, but they did not involve him personally. Mr. Kusper`s record plus his many political connections no doubt would have carried him smoothly to his next goal, the County Board presidency, if George Dunne had not decided to stay in that office.

Yet during Mr. Kusper`s 13-year reign in the county clerk`s office he has played it very close to the line, and that is reason enough for a change. Mr. Kusper has a strong affection for no-bid contracts; this has gotten him into trouble with even the mild-mannered Mr. Dunne. He has received campaign contributions from firms that do business with the county clerk`s office, including at least one from a firm which had received a no-bid contract. He never has been willing to accept the clerk`s job as his only employment. He is a partner in a law firm that handles a lot of county-related business. He is the only county official who is also a registered lobbyist for private clients, among them currency exchanges and one TV station.

In most jurisdictions, these arrangements would be highly controversial. But in Cook County, Jeanne Quinn has had to struggle to raise the issue and she has overstated it in the process. She shouldn`t have had to. The point of her campaign is that we do not have to accept the old system. As a Democrat who won a suburban County Board seat, she has made short work of traditions before. And her nomination would give the exhilarating prospect of a county clerk who works only for the county.

Mr. Finley`s main claim to the office seems to be that he can outspend anybody in campaigning for it.

The Republican aspirant for county clerk, former State Rep. Diana Nelson, is unopposed.

Board of Appeals

Three Democrats–John McCaffrey, Wilson Frost and incumbent Harry Semrow

–are running for two slots on the Board of (tax) Appeals. The Tribune board endorses Mr. McCaffrey strongly and Mr. Frost with some reservations.

Mr. Semrow should not be renominated, having presided over this agency through a volcanic series of scandals that went on for years. Mr. Semrow never seemed to notice the corruption and decision-buying that was almost institutional in the office, and the least that can be said of his record is that his eyesight is inadequate for the job.

Mr. McCaffrey, who heads the public utilities division of the Illinois attorney general`s office, is an intense, knowledgeable candidate with a record for troubleshooting in public agencies. He would strike sparks in this office. Mr. Frost, former chairman of the Chicago City Council Finance Committee, has all the obvious qualifications for the post. A showing of political independence would turn him from an acceptable candidate to a good one.

Republicans Ronald Hamelberg and Kenneth Hurst have no primary opposition.

Education superintendent

The full title is ”Superintendent of Education Service Region of Cook County.” The Democratic candidates are Tom Van Dam, South Holland school superintendent, and Richard Martwick, who has held the job without distinction for 16 years.

If there were a reason for this post to exist at all, Mr. Van Dam would be a much better candidate for it. But Mr. Martwick`s one accomplishment has been to show how useless it is. There is no point in endorsing candidates to carry on a waste of the schools` time and the taxpayers` money.

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