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Chicago Tribune

If it`s cold outside, don`t worry. It`s always warm in Tropic World at the Brookfield Zoo.

”Winter is the best time to visit Tropic World. You can spend hours here,” says Ann Baker-Dittus, assistant curator of primates, who oversees day-to-day operations at Tropic World. ”It`s a unique zoo exhibit. Most of the time you walk up to an enclosure and look at the animal, then walk away. In Tropic World, you not only see animals, you can observe them in a naturalistic setting. You can watch them interact with one another or with other species.”

Tropic World is a huge building, the size of 1 1/2 football fields. There are three separate exhibits inside, each representing a rain forest in either Asia, South America or Africa. Each of the exhibits is a manmade replica complete with waterfalls, Gunite cliffs and rocks, epoxy-covered ropes for vines and bushes made of metal. Tropic World was completed in the summer of 1984 at a cost of $10.8 million. A total of 110 mammals and 30 birds make their homes within.

Some visitors are surprised to find it`s difficult to see some of the animals. But, says Baker-Dittus, ”It`s sure far easier to spot an animal in Tropic World than in the wild. We want to give people some idea of how it might be in a real rain forest. For instance, you can spend weeks searching for gibbons in an Asian rain forest and be rewarded to see only a flash zip by way above in the trees. At Tropic World, you can`t miss them swinging from branch to branch.”

Even Baker-Dittus admits that Tropic World isn`t entirely authentic.

”There are no mosquitos buzzing in your ears or swamps to walk through or leeches. There are periodic (sprinkler-created) rain showers, but visitors don`t have to get wet. In fact, neither do the animals.”

For those who already have been to Tropic World, there`s now a wide assortment of new residents to see. The most celebrated–and, Baker-Dittus says, ”the cutest”–is 2-year-old Hose Nose, a 1/2-foot long, 150-pound giant anteater. His snout is nearly 15 inches long and his tongue protrudes 15 inches beyond that.

Another new face is Hosetta. You guessed it: Hose Nose`s future love interest. She is a sexy, 12-year-old giant anteater recently acquired from the Fresno (Calif.) Zoo. Brookfield is hoping that Tropic World`s naturalistic South American setting will encourage the finicky couple to breed.

Any day now, Prevost`s squirrels from Malaysia and Indonesia will be added to the Asia exhibit. Squirrels may not seem exciting, but these giants of the squirrel family are more than twice the size of the cute critters commonly found clambering up trees in the Midwest. Prevost`s squirrels also sport a striking black, white and rust coat.

There`s a gaggle of new birds in Tropic World, too. But don`t worry, it isn`t necessary to wear a hat for protection.

Kids no doubt will recognize the South American toco toucans from the Fruit Loop cereal commercials and advertisements. It also will be easy to spot the brightly colored sun conures; they resemble parrots. Also new to South America are five scarlet ibises, fairly large birds with slightly curved bills.

Also be on the lookout for the African rollers. You don`t want to miss their brilliant colors, which include a bright blue breast. Another addition to Africa are storklike spoonbills with their odd-shaped bills.

In Asia, you may hear the new feathered residents before you see them. They`re the robin-sized Bali mynas, which perform a loud, melodious song.

Zoo babies also come under the category of new residents. Except for the orangutans, all 14 primate species in Tropic World have successfully reproduced. Jabari, a lowland gorilla in the Africa exhibit, recently celebrated his first birthday and can be seen riding on mother Alpha`s back. Also in Africa is Smokey, an infant sooty mangabey, which is a type of monkey. In Asia, don`t miss Dasha, a rare zoo-born siamang (a close relative of the gibbons) clinging to its mother`s stomach. In South America, there are three squirrel monkey babies.

”Take your time walking through Tropic World,” Baker-Dittus says.

”Notice how the orangutans interact with their gibbon neighbors. Listen for the gibbon calls. It sounds like Wh-o-o-p! Wh-o-o-p! In the wild, it can carry for miles. You can walk right up to the hadada ibis. Or watch the small- claw otters playing in the water. Tropic World is more than just seeing animals; you can watch them and hopefully appreciate them a little bit more.” What: Tropic World

When: 10:30 a.m.-4 p.m. every day; zoo open 10 a.m.-5 p.m. (winter hours).

Where: Brookfield Zoo, 1st Avenue and 31st Street, Brookfield; 485-0263.

How much: $1 adults, 50 cents children and seniors. Zoo admission separate: $2.25 adults; 75 cents children and seniors; $2 parking.

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