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State Rep. Judy Koehler (R., Henry) has picked up the endorsement of the conservative United Republican Fund in her race for the Republican nomination for the U.S. Senate.

Koehler is running against steel executive George Ranney in the March 18 primary for the right to oppose incumbent U.S. Sen. Alan Dixon (D., Ill.) in November. She also received a ”Rambo” award from the group ”for outstanding political guts.” Rambo is a warrior movie hero.

It was the first time the United Republican Fund has endorsed a candidate in a contested statewide primary. The 52-year-old group is not part of the official GOP apparatus, but its members include such prominent Republicans as former Gov. William Stratton and businessmen W. Clement Stone, Daniel J. Terra and Henry Regnery.

”Judy Koehler is a winner–the kind of candidate who can bring audiences to their feet cheering her courage, determination and moxie,” said Kenneth Wright, the fund`s president, at a news conference.

Ranney also has been picking up endorsements, including support announced last week from the Republican organizations of Will and Williamson Counties and Elk Grove and River Forest Townships.

Koehler was one of seven Illinois legislators honored by the fund for conservative voting records.

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