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Chicago Tribune

Rogers Worthington`s article ”Korea spy case chills Downstate college”

(Chicago Tribune, Feb. 3) cites charges made by the Washington-based North American Coalition for Human Rights in Korea that the sentences of three former Korean students who briefly attended a university in this country ”are a government attempt to discredit the South Korean student protest movement and to discourage Koreans living abroad from political activities critical of their government.”

These charges are totally groundless and misleading. The defendants were given a fair trial under our judicial system and based on the evidence were found guilty of violating the National Security Law and other statutes.

In the face of ever-belligerent North Korea, our most critical national task is the maintenance of economic progress and firm national security for all the peace-loving people of our country. As everyone is equal before the law, those who break it must face the judgment of the court.

As we strive to promote national development under very difficult circumstances, we deserve the understanding and cooperation of our allies. A stable and prosperous Korea and durable peace is a vital contribution to international peace and cooperation.

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