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Chicago Tribune

Dear Abby: I live in New Liskeard, Ontario, and every time I go to the United States, I get fed up with some of the people who think there is snow falling up here 365 days a year–that Canadians live in igloos, travel by dogsled and dress like lumberjacks. I met a girl in Alabama who thought Canada was one of the states in the United States!

We have beautiful summer weather when the snow disappears and is replaced by temperatures in the 80s or 90s. I don`t know anybody up here who has ever traveled by dogsled. We dress like most Americans, and live in houses just like you do.

Why are you people so ignorant of us? The farther south I travel, the more ignorant the people are. Canadian schoolchildren learn about your country in school. Why don`t your schools teach your children about us?

Robert S., Annoyed Canadian

Dear Robert: Obviously the ignoramuses you`ve met in the United States are confusing Alaska with Canada. We do teach our children about Canada–but apparently we`re not doing a very good job of it. I hope this inspires some of our schoolteachers to familiarize their students with our good neighbors to the north. They have long been our best friends.

Dear Abby: You told ”The Woman He Pushed Aside” that unless he was hypnotized or kidnaped, he was a free agent, thus perpetuating the common myth that a person in a hypnotic trance can be made to do things against his basic nature. This is not true. If it were, a criminal could be ”made” not to break the law, lazy people could be ”made” to be productive, and I would be a lot richer.


Dear Hypnotherapist: Men and women are not by nature monogamous, they are polygamous, so a man who has vowed to be forever faithful to one woman can conceivably stray while under a hypnotic trance since it is human nature to do so.

Getting married? Send for Abby`s new, updated, expanded booklet ”How to Have a Lovely Wedding.” Send your name and address clearly printed with a check or money order for $2.50 and a long, stamped (39 cents) envelope to Abby, Wedding Booklet, P.O. Box 38923, Hollywood, Calif. 90038.

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