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Chicago Tribune

Salvatore Joseph D`Angelo and Salvatore John D`Angelo share more than their names and a May 10, 1963, birth day. They also have the same Social Security number and therein lies the trouble.

They live 15 miles apart in the Cleveland suburbs but are not related and did not know the other existed until three months ago when the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles straightened out years of confusion.

Salvatore Joseph D`Angelo, nicknamed Sam, met Salvatore John D`Angelo, nicknamed Sal, for the first time last Thursday.

”They have the same first name, the same middle initial and the same last name,” said Josephine D`Angelo, Sam`s mother. ”I told my husband I could understand it if the kid`s name was John Smith, but Salvatore J. D`Angelo?”

Problems started after Sal received the same Social Security number in 1977 that Sam received seven years earlier.

”Getting this resolved is a lengthy process,” said Bill Falender, a supervisor for the Social Security Administration. ”I`d guess it`s going to take at least, the very minimum, another four or five months.”

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