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Change is a good thing, even when it isn't easy. The Sun in responsible Virgo is making a harmonious trine to rebellious Uranus in sensual Taurus, giving us the supplies to shake up our lives before resettling with better and more productive foundations. Meanwhile, the Moon in Aries will make a supportive sextile to expansive Jupiter before conjoining Chiron, opening our minds to less common ways of healing. A final lunar opposition to Venus in Libra will have us craving peace and prosperity.
A few hurdles are ahead on our way to the end of the day. Confusion obscures the starting line as the Moon conjoins mystical Neptune in Pisces. On top of that, the planets will throw more mental roadblocks in front of us when Mercury opposes stoic Saturn at 4:50 am EDT. Satisfying conclusions could seem out of reach, especially once Luna stumbles into Aries and squares Mars in sensitive Cancer. We can push through if we don't let our emotions overwhelm us.
Our intuition can guide us to productive places at present. The Moon is moving through dreamy Pisces, spurring us to take meaningful action and have valuable conversations when it opposes messenger Mercury in Virgo before conjoining stoic Saturn. Luna then forms an excitable square to Jupiter in Gemini, before culminating in this year's only Pisces Full Moon at 10:34 pm EDT. Following the ideal road ahead doesn't require hard-headed stubbornness! Keeping our hearts and minds open should light our way forward.
Open hearts heal the quickest. The Moon begins the day in future-minded Aquarius, and will encourage some healthy rebellion when it squares off Uranus in Taurus. Luna then drifts into gentle Pisces to make an energizing trine to Mars in emotional Cancer. Today's main focus, though, is the major opposition between Venus in Libra and Chiron in Aries at 5:29 pm EDT. This motivates us to begin healing our old wounds by willingly engaging with them and nurturing our souls in the process.
Pleasure is ours for the taking! Alluring Venus in Libra is making a magnetic trine to lucky Jupiter in Gemini at 1:34 am EDT, encouraging everyone to be open about our desires and see what special things we can create when we work together. Meanwhile, the Moon in Aquarius will trine Jupiter and then Venus, helping us think in terms that benefit ourselves as well as the community. A special moment of healing will be possible once the Moon finally sextiles Chiron in Aries.
Healing is possible -- if we take the necessary steps. The Moon in Capricorn starts with a sextile to gentle Neptune in Pisces, though a cosmic wind picks up once the Moon conjoins alchemical Pluto. We can focus on coming together when the Moon enters communal Aquarius, but the most important moment of the day arrives at 4:22 pm EDT, when the Sun in Virgo stumbles into a quincunx with Chiron in Aries. We're ready to build the most efficient path toward a happier, healthier life.
We can be our most capable selves today. The Moon is in Capricorn, igniting our inner ambition. This bonfire is stoked even higher by our desires when the Moon squares Venus in Libra at 7:30 am EDT. The Moon will be busy throughout the day, forming a trine to the Sun in Virgo before squaring Chiron in Aries, so we can find satisfaction in repetition. Contrastingly, we will potentially crave change when the Moon makes one more trine to rebellious Uranus in Taurus.
The energy of the cosmos is positively through the roof today! The Sun in efficient Virgo is making a potent square to lucky Jupiter in Gemini at 6:53 am EDT, encouraging us to take a gamble on ourselves, albeit a well-considered gamble. The Moon in competent Capricorn will then oppose Mars in Cancer, inspiring us to follow our feelings to the finish line. A final lunar trine to Mercury in Virgo should make it easy to wrap things up on an effective note.
It's simpler than usual to make productive progress. The day begins with an eye-opening opposition between the Moon in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Gemini, followed by a quincunx between Venus and Saturn. The Moon will then enter capable Capricorn, but the most potent alignment arrives at 11:42 pm EDT, when Mercury in Virgo sextiles Mars in Cancer. We'll be able to make the most of our energy and use it as wisely as possible, ensuring we don't get too carried away.
A little effort can yield positive results. The Moon in free-thinking Sagittarius begins with a supportive sextile to Venus in elegant Libra, encouraging a fair-minded approach to whatever is on our plates. We may buck up against a barrier when the Moon squares Saturn in Pisces at 8:02 pm EDT, but we can experience a breakthrough -- if we are willing to slow down and carefully consider our strategy. Saturn will favor cautious approaches, rather than anything flippant or overly relaxed.