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The 2024 State of the Media Report

Get actionable insight from 3,000+ journalists on what they truly want and need from PR teams.

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Cision Impact: Brand Measurement & Analytics

Cision Impact provides you with advanced brand measurement and PR analytics that give you unprecedented insight into your earned media performance

Cision Impact delivers unique public relations analytics and brand measurement that provide the most accurate picture of your earned media outcomes. You’ll know exactly who is reading your coverage, the stories with the greatest resonance, and which actions were taken on your website as a result of your earned media.

Only Cision Impact provides the information needed to directly attribute key customer actions like page visits, downloads, and purchases to your earned media coverage, reliably proving the value of your strategic communications.

Draw a straight line from PR campaigns to business outcomes

Only 13% of Communicators say they can confidently prove that their public relations strategy drives business outcomes. Cision Impact provides unique brand measurements and detailed insights to prove the value of your PR strategies.
  • Verified views: Understand precisely how many people actually read your story.
  • Daily unique views: See where your coverage attracts sustained readership over time to know who and where to pitch stories for optimized outreach.
  • Conversions: Attribute key customer actions to public relations—see who immediately or eventually took actions on your website after reading your coverage with a groundbreaking attribution metric that credits PR for events like content downloads, page visits, purchases and more.
  • With Cision Impact, you can prove the impact of PR to executives and stakeholders with detailed information that connects your earned media coverage to website traffic and business outcomes throughout the customer journey.

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Prove results and advance your program

With Impact, a leading video game producer demonstrated that 33% of all web traffic during a game launch resulted from earned media, helping them secure more PR budget for their next launch.

Challenge assumptions, expand reach

Using Cision Impact, a major tech company found that lifestyle publications (and not tech publications, as they assumed) drove the most audience engagement. By pivoting their public relations strategy accordingly, they achieved greater and more meaningful reach.

Challenge assumptions, expand reach

Using Cision Impact, a major tech company found that lifestyle publications (and not tech publications, as they assumed) drove the most audience engagement. By pivoting their public relations strategy accordingly, they achieved greater and more meaningful reach.

Know if your messages are resonating with your target audiences

Draw connections between your coverage and your target audiences and know if your messages are resonating with the right readers. Cision Impact’s demographic and firmographic data provides you with the most detailed profile of your readership. With analysis of gender, age, education level, and more, you can ensure your readership reflects your ideal customers, and discover highly-engaged audiences you may have previously overlooked.

Know exactly which stories and outlets have the greatest influence

With Impact's Top Outlets and Top Articles metrics, you'll have precise measurements of verified views at the article and outlet level, providing you with insight into:
  • The articles and publications driving the most actual views and the most downstream results.
  • The articles generating sustained readership over time—and which journalists write them.
  • And because you know which publications and journalists are driving your most engaged readers, you'll know how to better target your pitches and prioritize publications in future PR and strategic communication campaigns.
Coworkers reviewing strategies

Cision Impact enhances the Cision Communications Cloud—our all-in-one platform to help you understand your story's media coverage, track audience reach and behavior, measure outcomes, and prove the value of strategic communications.

What our experts are saying

What is Sentiment Analysis? Definition, Examples & How to Use Effectively

What is Sentiment Analysis? Definition, Examples & How to Use Effectively

7 Must-Have PR KPIs to Measure Your Communications Campaign

7 Must-Have PR KPIs to Measure Your Communications Campaign

7 Essential PR Metrics to Prove Impact

7 Essential PR Metrics to Prove Impact

Beyond AVE: 5 Ways to Measure the Impact of Earned Media

Beyond AVE: 5 Ways to Measure the Impact of Earned Media

Qualitative vs Quantitative Data in PR: Definitions, Benefits, and Examples

Qualitative vs Quantitative Data in PR: Definitions, Benefits, and Examples


Cision PR and Communications experts take the time to understand your strategy, goals and challenges. In partnership with you, our team will recommend the optimal solution to help you understand, influence and amplify your story.

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